Everyone Ask #1

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(Sorry I haven't updated in a while...some really bad things have been happening in my life recently, and I needed to focus on that first. Luckily, mostly everything is okay now. This question is from Elijah3426 )

"So let me get this straight..." Delta started. It was the next day, and everybody in the council was sitting in a circle in the middle of the main hall. Well, everyone except for Trollex.

"The reason why Trollex's pranks were so extreme was because he was hoping one of us would knock him unconcious JUST so he wouldn't have to confront Cora about a breakup?"

"Yep! That's what he told me," Roxy replied. She had her hair up in a bun, which was then stuffed underneath a stocking hat. She hated looking at her hair when it was this color...and she didn't want the others to see it in its current state.

"That is by far the DUMBEST excuse I have ever heard!" Barb huffed.

"Barb, don't be rude," said Katheryn.

"I can be as rude as I wanna be!" Barb screeched in response. "Don't you remember how long it took us to clean up that glitter mess yesterday?! It took, like, FOREVER!! And I probably still have bits of it in my hair, too!"

To prove her point, she ran her fingers through her hair, allowing a few flakes of pink glitter to fall to the ground.

Poppy laughed. "Hey, at least you didn't accidentally walk into the men's bathroom, Barb," she said. Barb just scoffed and flopped down on her back, staring up at the ceiling.

"So where is the techno prankster now?" Poppy asked.

"Talking to Cora about you-know-what," Titus replied. Poppy's eyes widened.


"Yep! I told him it'd be better to do it now than later." Roxy grabbed the next dare, opened it up, and read it to herself while smiling.

"Shouldn't we wait until Trollex gets back?" Branch asked.

"Nah, we can get started now, and he can join us when he returns. This next question is for everyone!"

"Oooo!" Poppy squealed with excitement. "What does it say?"

"It says: Can I get a hug from everyone?"

"Of course! Now where is this person?" Poppy continued.

"One second! I've gotta break the fourth wall real quick." She cleared her throat, clapped her hands, and all of a sudden, the user appeared out of nowhere in a puff of smoke.

Without a second thought, Poppy rushed forward and hugged them. "Come on everybody! Join me!"

The rest of the council members made their way over to the user, and they all took turns giving them hugs. Roxy was the last troll to hug them when the council members heard the front door creak open slowly. She quickly let go of the user and turned around to see Trollex float in with a flat look on his face.

"So...how'd it go?..." she asked hesitantly.

"I don't want to talk about it right now..." the techno troll responded blandly.

"Ah...okay...that's understandable," said the harmony troll. "Well, we started the next question without you. I hope you don't mind."

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're hugging this person," Poppy answered. "We've already hugged them, so now it's your turn."

"Umm...okay then..." Trollex floated over to the user and gave them a quick hug. Then, Roxy clapped her hands, and in another puff of smoke, the user disappeared.

"Now that you've done that...you know what comes next," Roxy said to Trollex.



"Please don't make me wear it!" Trollex whined. Roxy crossed her arms and started tapping her foot while giving him that stern, motherly stare. (You know which one I'm talking about.)

"Would you prefer to scrub the floors with a toothbrush? Because that's the other option you have for your punishment, young man! Be lucky this one is tamer than that!" she snapped. "Now go! You only have to wear it for the next couple of dares."

"This is stupid..." he grumbled as he quickly floated past her and up the stairs. Once he had gotten to his room, he plopped down onto his bed, wrapped himself up in a blanket like a fish burrito, then proceeded to slam his face into his pillow and cry.

Breaking up with Cora was the most difficult thing he had ever done in his life. He hated making other trolls feel bad. The look that she had given him when he told her broke his heart. She said she would still be his friend, but she just looked so...hurt.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey, man...you doing okay?" It was Barb. Trollex lifted his head up and stared at her.

"What do you think?" he responded sassily.

"I was just asking, cus! Jeez! No need to get all sassy." She walked over and sat on the side of his bed. He plopped his face back into the pillow and sighed loudly.

"I'm a terrible troll..."

"Oh shut up! No you're not!" Barb yelled at him. "Break up's happen. That's just...life! Move on!"

"Maybe I should just stay single for the rest of my life..." Trollex grumbled into his pillow. "I wouldn't have to hurt anyone else that way...besides...all I do is make Maya nervous...she would never...love someone like me..."

"I beg to differ, sir," Barb mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"


They sat there in silence for a few minutes until Barb sighed and said something that Trollex would've never expected her to say to him.

"If you tell anyone I said this, I will beat the pixels off of you...but...I think you're an awesome guy...and I'm sure Maya already loves you for who you are."

Trollex turned over and looked at her. "You...really think so...?"

"I know so."

"Aww Barb!" He jumped off the bed and tackled her into a hug. Barb tried to wiggle her way out of his grasp, but that only made him hug her even tighter.

"Agh! I take it back! You're the worst!"

"I love you, too!"

The Asks/Dares List

Barb: Asks/2 , Dares/4
Branch: Asks/2 , Dares/3
Delta Dawn: Asks/3 , Dares/3
Essence: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Katheryn: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Quincy: Asks/2 , Dares/2
Poppy: Asks/5 , Dares/2
Roxanne: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Titus: Asks/3 , Dares/0
Trollex: Asks/7 , Dares/8
Trollzart: Asks/3 , Dares/0
Special Guests: Asks/1 , Dares/5

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