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King Iris's POV

We all waited in the royal wing as the most highest ranked healers tried performing a spell to help my youngest son.

I was shocked that I came to find out that my son has been throwing up blood for a few weeks now.
Which was very risky since he was slowly yet surely losing his beings to the rejection of his mate,Caine.

Caine had to be restraint by his mate's brothers because that's how hard he fought against the guards.
I could see the love in his eyes as he tried his best to come close to his mate but was stopped.

Please! I want to be with my mate!!! EMERY!

His pleading voice echoed through the kingdom and my mind as he begged to be near Emery.

The double doors opened as we sat here in the vintage setting waiting room designed for the royal family only who had a royal member in the hospital.

They called it,Crested Wing.

The head royal healer walked in with a few of his followers-  also are healers but not as powerful.

"Your excellencies" he greets us with a bow.

"We managed to hold back the damage for sometime. But the spell won't hold him for long. We strongly suggest that his mate is to be with him. If anything can heal him right now,its the cause of the rejection. His mate.
Its the strongest healing mechanism we recommend for the young prince" I nodded taking in the information.

I can't lose Emery. But I can't let that fucking idiot close to my son.
But then again,we have to,its the only possible solution for this matter.

Sensing my distress,Orion walks up to me and guides my head to his neck knowing his scent calms me.

"Its the only way Iris. We have no other choice. We have to put our grudges aside for the wellbeing of our sons life" I nod.

"I know" I mumbled against his neck before bringing my lips to his.
The kiss is slow and sensual before we pulled away.

"Better?" He asked and I kissed him again with a smirk.

"Much better" I said huskily shining my golden lycan eyes at him as I smell his arousal.

"Guard?" I call with authority as I summoned my guard whose an archangel- my husband,Silas gifted me as a shadow on my birthday

"My Lord" his voice is deep as a cloak covers his head but I can tell it is a man from his hands that I see.

"Summon my son's mate in the dungeons" I said my every word lacing with authority.

"Right away my Lord" he says before he disappears again.

Orion walked to me where I sat on the sofa and made himself comfortable on my lap.

"When can we see him?" He asked burying his face in my chest.

"Not now" I mumbled back as Cole came and comforted Orion because Orion was Emery's carrier so their bond is closer and stronger than any of us.

Of course not as strong as the mate bond.

So me and my husbands ended up on the couch. Cole sat comfortably on Silas's lap,while Orion stayed on mine.
Silas leaned into me as I rested on of my hands behind Silas chair as I pecked his head as he leaned against my shoulder blade while Orion dozed off on my chest and Cole sleeping soundly on Silas's chest.

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