Chapter 2

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"Mew, where have you been?" Mark asked me as I entered the backstage. I looked at all of them and saw how excited they are to perform. Mark couldn't control himself from playing his drumsticks. While Kokliang is busy tuning the guitar same with Turbo who's in charge with the bass.

"Finally, the man of the hour is here!" I looked at Tong when he entered the backstage with a wide smile. I smiled at him slyly as I shook my head because of his exaggeration. "Where have you been?" He also asked so I shrugged as I remembered how unfortunate I am to witness such lakorn-like scene a while ago in the rooftop and how I felt satisfied upon seeing that cheater's red cheeks from the slap given by the girl.

"Someone called me and I had to find a quiet place to answer the call so I went to the rooftop." I answered and they all nodded. So I sighed before smiling at all of them. "Are we good?" I asked them and I suddenly caught a glimpse of nervousness among their faces. It's our first time and we didn't expect that we would get to perform in front of a huge crowd at our first night so I totally understand them.

Most of the customers are college students and I know for a fact that they are all Tong's acquaintance since he's the most acquainted person among all of us. Aside from the fact that I'm still new to this place so the people I know is kind of limited. I can literally count them in my fingers.

"The stage is all yours, Thoughts at Midnight! Break a leg!" Tong cheered for us and we all laughed as we can see how excited he is for our first ever performance as a band. He then headed to the stage to properly introduce us before performing.

We agreed to play just one set each night as we all wanted to give chance to other bands who also wants to perform. Tong managed to hire 3 bands to perform every night but he always put us first. And so here we are, taking the last minute to take deep breaths before climbing up on that stage.

"Good evening, Everyone!" He greeted the audience and we didn't expect to hear such a loud response from the crowd which only prove that the bar is jam packed with party people tonight and we had to gather all our guts to perform and do our best. "And as promised, I am here to present to you the first band to perform tonight. But before that, I would like to thank all of you for coming here and making the opening night of this bar wonderful. Especially my friends and my favorite junior, Gulf! Thank you for coming here tonight!" I was quite stunned upon hearing that familiar name from Tong. If I'm not mistaken, it's the same name of the guy I bumped into earlier.

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