Chapter 34

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"Mew! Where are you going?! What happened?!" Tong asked when I'm about to leave alone.

But then, I remember that I have them.

That I have my friends.

And just like what Gulf had taught me.

I don't have to deal with everything alone.

I looked at all of them and same as me, they all looked worried.

Well except from Kaow, Hither and Run. They looked clueless about who is Gulf but I have no more time to explain.

I need to find Gulf.

And for the first time in my life, I'll ask for other people's help.

"Guys." My voice cracked upon saying that. "I-i need your help." I said before giving them a pleading look.

"My, my. I thought you're invincible, Mew." I looked at AA who's still on the ground. "Seems like Gulf has became your Achilles heel. But I thought you don't love him?" He keeps on blabbering but before I could even hit him, Tong was the one to do it on behalf of me.

"I'm so tired of you messing up with my juniors, AA." He hissed after giving AA a hard blow on his stomach. "Keep this in your mind, I'll kick you out of this city if there something bad happens to Gulf." He said in a menacing tone before looking at me and he nodded as if telling me that I have his back. All the time.

"Can somebody please enlighten us? Who is Gulf? And why is this guy telling that you're in love with him?" Kaownah asked but as I've said, I don't have enough time to explain. So I just sighed before looking at them.

"Gulf probably saw this jerk when he kissed me and he got upset so he ran away." I said and they all glared at AA.

"You really are an arse, AA." Mawin said before he shook his head and looked at me again. "But why are you panicking? It's not as if Gulf can be mad at you. Judging from what I can see with Gulf, he's really head over heels with you. I bet, you can apologize to him and he'll immediately forgive and throw himself to you." I winced at what he said and can't help but to feel guilty.

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