Chapter 29

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Mew has been unusually quiet ever since we left the dorm and get in Tong's car. He's not giving me a cold shoulder neither he's trying to pick on me but more on he looked perturbed.

I know that it's because of his Dad and since I also don't know how to deal with his 'oh so powerful dad', I chose to remain silent as I think that none of anything I would say will really make a difference.

But there's something in the way Mew looks at me.

It's not cold nor indifferent.

It looks scared and sad.

And he sat on the passenger's seat while I'm at the back seat so I don't have any chance to ask him cause I'm still a bit shy to Tong because of what happened earlier and I'm afraid that Mew might not like it if I talk to him right now.

So I just sat at the back with my growing anxiety on what's about to come.

But seriously, I don't think this whole thing will turn out good.

But no matter what happens, I promise to stand with Mew and be his support.

I know that there's no turning back now.

But I don't want to turn back either.

Mew needs to know that he has someone who's willing to stand with him and be there for him no matter how complicated and hard things get.

And I am that someone.

I just hope he'll let me.

"We're here." I saw how Mew and I looked at Tong when he said that. It's obvious that both our thoughts are drifting so we didn't realized when we arrived at the parking lot of the University.

I watched as Tong gave Mew an assuring smile and the latter nodded before looking at me.

I was about to smile but then, he quickly shifted his gaze and opened the door and I felt more anxious.

I'm starting to think that the reason why Mew is being like this is not just because of his dad but also because of me.

Could it be that he's now regretting everything he did last night?

Just the thought of it made my heart beat painfully and my whole body restless.

The way how Mew said he knows for a fact that he might regret everything he did later on dauted me.

'Am I really just a regret?'

I feel like I couldn't move my whole body as they both get out of the car while I remain drowning myself with my thoughts.

It was then someone opened the door for me but I feel like I don't even have the strength to look at who it is.

Just when I'm about to cry, someone offered his hand to me and that ring on his thumb is enough for me to recognize who it is.

So I hurriedly turned to look at him and saw his warm smile.


And just like that, all the perturbation I felt a while ago vanished just by looking at his smiled and sincere eyes.

My heart is still beating so fast. But not because of anxiety but because of the overwhelming feelings that only Mew had made me feel.

"Let's go." Even his voice sounded so beautiful to my ears and it made me automatically gripped at his hand tightly. He smiled even more before looking at our hands and what he did next is enough to make my heart to run amok.

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