Chapter 7

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"Okay, Guys. Make yourself at home!" Tong exclaimed jokingly as we all settled on our seats. They all laughed except me as I was too busy looking around. My eyes lingered around the  bar, trying to cope up with the wild lights surrounding the place as it started to become crowded.

"We have just arrive but the predator is already looking a prey." Mild blurted out, clearly pertaining to me as soon as he noticed that I can't stop looking around and I winced. Of course my friends teased me for being a natural sex predator I am but little did they know that the one I'm looking for was actually more deserving to be called a predator rather than a prey.

Who else could it be aside from the coldblooded Mew?

I hadn't seen him on our afternoon class, and even his friends doesn't know his whereabouts when Mild asked Tong. It's just his first day yet he already had the spunk to ditch classes.

Well, it's not that I'm concerned about his grades or about him, I just simply find it audacious.

"Hey, Gulf." Tong called me so I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, signaling him to go on with what he has to say. "You can tell me if ever someone had caught your attention. I can introduce you to anyone here. AA is right. It's been a while after Jen, yet you still haven't dated anyone. It is so not you." Don't know if he's teasing me or he's just simply being the matchmaker that he is.

Well, Tong has also been the bridge to most of my flings. Whenever I like to hit on someone and he happens to know the girl, he would simply introduce me and viola! We've also been on several double dates, so you can really tell that we play the same game.

But it's been months since I last heard of him dating. We really thought that he finally decided to tie a knot with someone but it turns out that he just lost the drive to play among girls.

But that would be ridiculous? What kind of man can ever be tired of playing around at the peak of his youth?

"Says someone who hasn't dated anyone for months now. C'mon, Tong. Wouldn't you go to rust?" Mawin teasing him. He's the very eager one when it comes to finding out why Tong has finally decided to behave.

But Tong just simply shrugged Mawin's statement and didn't even look like a bit bothered.

"Oh, by the way. Thoughts of Midnight will be performing first, right?" Mild asked and he quickly got my attention as I wait for his question to be answered by Tong.

Dunno but I felt relieved just by seeing Tong nod his answer.

"Have you found out why he ditched our afternoon class?" Furthermore, Mild couldn't stop asking about Mew and instead of feeling irritated, I am actually thankful cause at least I don't have to voice out my curiosity about that cold guy and simply get answer by Mild being the nosy guy that he is same with Mawin. I am so done embarrassing myself for today.

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