"Let's make that title official"

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"Aaargh! I hate him!" I grunted, pertaining to my great boyfriend as I take the seat in front of Tong's executive table.

He didn't say anything so I looked at him and saw that he's busy with his phone and he looks like he's having fun while texting someone which made me more upset.

'Grrr. Why do people nowadays seems to have no time to at least listen to me?! Am I becoming less significant to them?!'

I can't help but to pout and cross my arms against my chest because of the thought.

Mew has been totally ignoring me for a week now! He barely got time for me and he often come home late from work. It's getting too often and it got me thinking that Mew has something else to be busy with aside from managing the bar and being a Clinical Psychologist.

He can't be really busy with the bar since Mark and Tong is helping him and base from what I can see with Tong right now, he's got probably a lot of time to chill inside his office.

He can't also be always busy with his clients since I know that he only have 3 sessions a day and every sessions are most likely to just last for an hour!

And that's makes me upset to no end.

Not only did he haven't had enough time for me, he even ignored the foods I cook for him every night when he came home from work saying that he already had his dinner outside with his so called colleagues.

Well, he must be really full to not even try to taste the food that I cooked for him.

For one week straight!

How can he not even spare a time to join me for dinner?

Is that even a hard thing to do?!

And it makes me more upset that I want to talk to my friends about my sentiments but all of them seems to be busy to even spare a time to listen to me!

I feel like they are all turning their backs at me.

And now, I thought that Tong would really listen to me but he also seems to be "busy" texting someone in his phone.

I bet he didn't actually heard what I said.

I looked at him while frowning and I can't help but to ask myself if he's also like this while talking to his client.

Cause if the answer is yes, then I'll probably ask this institution to look for another Neuropsychologist that is more competitive and professional than him.

He should be thankful that I'm his friend or else, I'd love to kick him out of hia position.

Well, it's been 5 years since he graduated and I still can't believe that he's now a successful Neuropsychologist.

I still remembered how he once failed one of the major collegiate exam but instead of grieving, he even threw a party. But now, here he is. Successful but still single.

I also can't believe that Mild was able to pass the bar exam and became a Psychology Teacher at the University where all graduated.

And yes, he also happened to be very busy as of the moment with a lot of "school matters" that he can't even spare a time for his best friend!

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