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River woke me with a gentle shake, I hum and stretch before opening my eyes. He was sitting on the edge of the bed watching me carefully. I smile and he chuckles smiling back.

"Good morning love, you wanted to go shopping. I invited Noah to come with and Celso, my mom also forced herself with. Dad wants to watch mom so she doesn't buy everything she touches." River rolls his eyes and I laugh rolling onto my side, I bring my legs up and over onto Rivers lap. I quickly lift myself and straddle his waist. I grunt a little with the amount of work I need to do the simple act. "Well you still seem to move well." He chuckles rubbing my hips.

"What time do we have to be there?" I ask running my hands through his hair. He closes his eyes with a groan caused by my playful antics.

"You're very tempting this morning mi amor, but I've got self control and you've got an hour to get ready. Chop chop darling." He leans forward placing a soft kiss to my lips and I frown. He easily lifts me and places me back on my feet, I grumble walking into the bathroom.

I hear the bedroom door close so he must be going to make breakfast or do a bit of something in his office. I make quick work of my shower and dress in a simple pair of skinny jeans and one of Rivers blue button ups. I leave my jeans unzipped and unbuttoned, I pull the shirt up and admire the bump holding our baby.

"You're beautiful." River comments and I jump slightly from the sound of his voice but I smile as he comes closer with a laugh. I shake my head and take his hand placing it on the bump, he smiles and kisses my neck from behind. 

"We need to get headed." I whisper and he nods, I zip my jeans and button them, I tuck the shirt in and grab my bag. I slip simple white ballet flats on and lead River down to the main floor.

"Hey there kids, are you ready to go?" Vienna cheers rushing to take me into her arms and I nod. "V, will you drive? I already decided we will all go out for brunch and then go shop!"

"Sounds delightful Vienna!" I smile and she walks out the front door taking River with her. I laugh as she talks his ear off now. "Hey there dad, how are you this morning?"

"Kat, there's been some rumors your dads getting close to figuring out who took you." Vincent warns but I nod and sigh, I knew it was happening. The meeting with the other mafia leader proved he was getting close.

"It seems like he's desperate, I know most of the family secrets. Maybe, I'm what he wants dead?" I pitch and Vincent gives me a quick look and it seems he was thinking the same.

"We shouldn't press on these matters dear, we can figure that out in a later date. We will talk business as a group, now is a time to prepare for joy." He smiles shaking the keys and we walk down to the car where River is casually talking with his mom. "V get in the car."

"Ciao, mi amore." River pulls me into his arms and I laugh, he's all about touching me in some way. "Ready?"

"Yes, you?"

"Anytime." He answers and I nod climbing into the back of the vehicle with him. Vince and Vienna are fighting in the front about what music to listen to and I laugh leaning into Rivers hold.

"We seem like teens don't we, sitting in the back of my parents car on our way to a date?" River suggests in my ear and I laugh shaking my head. "What too far?"

"River, we are both adults now. Plus, this isn't a date. Your parents are gonna be there, Noah and Celso are coming. This isn't a date." I roll my eyes and we all fall into a comfortable silence as we roll up to a diner close to the shops we plan on visiting. I recognize Noah's Beamer and he leans against it talking to Celso both are smoking a quick cigarette.

"Ciao Noah, Celso." I smile calling to them as I exit the car first. Celso was a guard who is stationed to the house when I'm home alone because he's really close with River. So naturally he and I became fast friends.

The pair turn and I smile walking into Noah's arms and then Celso takes his hug. I look over the exterior of the diner, the stone walls and the wood humble sign gave off warmth. I already enjoy the vibe I get. I read the sign and understand why, 'Vienna's Nook'. It was in the family, more specifically my favorite cook.

"So this is yours?" I smile and Vienna claps excitedly with a nod, an arm wraps around my waist and River places a kiss to my head. I smile and we all take our turn entering the establishment.

"How are ya firecracker?" The new nickname I got from Noah seemed to have stuck and I smile at the recognition. I shrug looking back to Vincent and River who were deep in conversation.

"I'm enjoying the moments without my kid so far. I'm long awaiting it's arrival, but I want these last moments when it's just us to be cherished ya know?" I smile as we all sit and throw in our drink and food orders. I expect they were all given direction to get it all at once. The Romano's aren't ones to wait.

"I completely get that, you're doing a fine job." Celso acknowledges me and I smile nodding, the conversation continues through breakfast and we all spend most of it in pretty good spirits.

"Damn it." River had left with a phone call and we all let him take it, continuing through our meal. He walked in dropping into the chair next to me, I question his quiet anger.

"What is it?" I ask quietly so no one has any idea anything's wrong just yet. River sighs and takes my hands kissing the back of my palm.

"We will have to stop by the compound later ok?" He asks and I nod lightly, it's not that big of a deal to be honest. We stop by the compound when we go out to dinner sometimes.

"We should all get going." Vincent smiles and we all raise making our way out to the cars. Celso and Noah decided they will meet us there in the Beamer.

The shopping was successful and we got most of the necessities, anything we don't have likely I will send a maid to get for us.

"Dad just drop us at the compound, I have something I need to take care of quick. I'll take the Ferrari home." River tells his father and I take a sip of my water quickly. We quickly drop off at the compound and River grabs my hand as we walk to the office.

"Any reason why we are here?" I ask walking a bit slower because my feet hurt from all the standing and walking we have been doing all day. We see a few men and wave as we walk down.

"Someone attempted to break down our system, they failed because well my IT men are a bit more skilled than I give them credit. I'm just here to grab the file and IP address for the culprit." He smiles and I nod, that could have been really bad. I am definitely glad they caught it early.

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