Its been a while...

1.5K 21 9

Me! ☝🏼


So, I updated this story beginning of the year. At least that's when I started, quarantine really had me going. So here's the deal guys, I am in absolute awe with how this has turned out. This story started off as me just dorking around. It was the second story I had started to write on this platform. I was new, I was green, I didn't know what a comma was? It was a good time, barely knew how to use quotation marks. I was 13 when I started this series. Almost 4 years ago now guys. I didn't publish it completely until 2 years ago.

I saw a major, like in the first month, change in reader count. It's as if you mark your story as completed and the reads rush in. I was awestruck at how it had begun to take off. When I got 1,000 reads I was amazed.

Keep in mind I had written a story previously, it was shorter than this one was when I completed it as a rough draft. 20 or so chapters, it was short, and it had 2,000 reads. I was sooooo proud and grateful for the work I had done. Don't get me wrong I needed much improvement. I wasn't nearly as articulate or well-read. I had a basic understanding of English grammar mistakes I commonly made. I was scratching the bottom of the barrel.

I'm now at 71k reads on this story. Let me tell you guys, I'm beyond proud and excited. I know it's a small amount compared to others. Yet, guys, keep in mind. I have had so much hard work and pain pushed into this story, I can always improve and change it, but I worked so hard for it to be here.

It may be a small number, but that's my number. I did that, and to me, if there was even just 2,000 I would be accomplished. I love writing, I write for fun, it relieves stress, it zones me into something, it helps me think and concentrate. You can manipulate an entire world with writing, change everything and make it your own.

Most of all, the best part, you guys. I couldn't have done this without you. I do not deserve the love and adoration I get from this story alone. I was so anxious that this story was gonna flop all those years ago. I never thought I was going to finish it. I never thought it would ever be completed. I didn't think I would edit it 4 times about to be a 5th.


I am so grateful. So so so blessed. Thank you all, every one of you. Leave a vote if you want, I'm just so excited to have had this opportunity to put out my ideas.

If you have anything you saw or felt you lacked in this story please! Please! Please! Leave a comment and let me know! I would love any and all feedback!

Once again I love you all and I am so honored to have brought you this story. Thank you! ♥️

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