Bonus Chapter!!!

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Kathrine is pregnant. God, thank god. I am so elated for her to have another one of my children. Dante's 2 now. We got married a year back that was one crazy ass night.

This woman really likes getting down with me. Of course she's very... adventurous.

"Daddy!" Dante came running on his small legs and I waited for him. He's only got a few words down. Mommy and daddy being the most used.

"Hey there bub." I lifted him in my arms and we waited for his mom to exit the closet. He's not a very high maintenance kid but he has his days of fits.

"Mommy?" He asked chewing on his hand and I kissed the side of his head placing him on my lap. He's a mommas boy for sure and it's made for quite the arguments between myself and my wife.

"Mommy is getting dressed. Let's go get some breakfast in you." I bounced him on my lap and I got a small nod. I set him down and held his hand as we walked down the stairs. His walking is questionable and his running is a suicide mission. He falls frequently.  Stairs are a nightmare but we take them slow and carefully so he learns well.

"Daddy!" Dante pointed at his aunt who came for a visit. Scar is 14 now and she just loves coming out here. Her parents are very hesitant as we still have bad blood and what I said when I last saw them hasn't helped at all. Katy's mom has come and visited several times and there's never an issue but he's basically disowned Katy.

"Yeah Dante it's your aunt." I grin and he flails around as he runs and falls trying to get to his aunt. "Careful bud." He doesn't cry but a face of anger and frustration because of being stopped from reaching his goal morphs on his cute face.

"Jeez, he's walking now?!" Scar picked him up and pressed kisses all over his face. He giggled, his mommy does the same thing. He loves when mom baby's him but he gets all the special treatment all the time anyway.

"More like kamikaze missions. He falls all the time." I walked them to the kitchen and started to make us breakfast. The electric stovetop is in the island and I start that up placing a pan on the burner I started.

"He's getting so big and cuteeee." She cooed and he giggled, Gosh he is so cute. Kathrine and I did really good with that kid and it's only gonna get better.

"Hi kids. Scar! I didn't know you were coming?" My wife walked into the kitchen her small bump barely noticeable but of course it's what I look for. She walked up to me and peeked over my shoulder to see what I was making.

"Bacon and eggs for Dante and I. Cookie dough and gravy for you." I turned joking around placing hands on her bump and she smiled kissing me. She's still way early in the game for those kinds of things but she was a crazy one last pregnancy.

"Ewwww." Dante yelled and I chuckled pulling away, of course my son was laughing too. His face is so bright when he's happy you can actually see his eyes twinkle.

"Don't say eww darling, one day it'll be you." His mama called him out and he stopped laughing. She went over and scooped him up kissing him all over the face too. His giggles fill the room and I finish up the breakfast.

"He's so advanced for a child his age." Scar pointed out and I smiled putting our food on plates. That's his mommas pride and joy pushing into that child.

"I know, it's in the genes." I gave her a smirk and my wife rolled her eyes. "I'm kidding love, it's all due to my lovely wife. She's a great teacher."

"We don't do anything crazy. Just really small things." She explained and Dante started playing with his moms necklace.

"Come here you little rascal. We have breakfast ready." I called setting our food on the table and turned to Scar. "You want anything?"

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