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'I'm not in the mood to go to an award show, I'm not even a singer why should I even have to go?' I ask my stylist Noah.

'Because you're famous and they like to use you to promote their show' he says while smiling

'Ugh I guess I already have makeup on now so there's no backing out' I say while rolling my eyes

'That the spirit' Noah says, 'look at the positive side, award shows have a lot of free alcohol'

'Yeah I guess you're right, it wouldn't hurt to stop by for a little'

'Exactly, now get up and put that dress on, you have to leave or you'll be late' Noah says while grabbing my dress.

'Woah, this dress is gorgeous' I tell Noah

'I know, I picked it out' he replies 'now put it on so you can leave'

'Okay, okay, calm down, I'm going already' I says as I'm putting on the dress.

'Wow girl, you look beautiful as always' Noah tells me. 'Now leave, you're uber is waiting' He tells me while kissing my cheek goodbye.

'Goodbye Noah' I say as I leave.

The uber ride was pretty short and as soon as I arrive people start screaming my name, I'll never get used to that.

I walk the red carpet and start heading inside trying to find someone I know.

As I'm waking in I walk into one of my best friends, Louis Tomlinson, 'hey Lou' I say while hugging him.

'Heyy ash, didn't expect to see you here' he says while hugging back

'Yeah to be honest I didn't want to come but hey once management says your going, there's no way out'

'I get what you're saying' he replies as someone walks into him

'Hey haven't seen you in a while' he says to the person who walked into him, I couldn't see who it was until Louis introduced me to him.

'Niall I want you to meet my friend, Ashley, Ashley this is Niall Horan, you might know him, I used to be in a boyband with him'

'Ahh the famous Niall Horan, I've heard a lot about you' I say as I'm shaking Niall his hand, I couldn't help but fond over him, I mean this man is absolutely gorgeous

'Well only good things I hope' he says while laughing, 'this is my girlfriend Charlotte' he says

His girlfriend, of course he has a girlfriend I think so myself as I shake her hand

'Well we should head inside' Niall says as they start walking away

'Yo Ashley are you good?' Louis asks, 'why are you so quite?'

'Oh it's nothing, I was just thinking' I say 'anyways, I should head inside to, gotta find the free alcohol'

Louis laughs while he says 'yeah I'll join you, my girlfriend couldn't make it and I don't really want to spend the whole night alone'


Please give me some feedback if you have any.
I really hope people enjoy this story :)

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