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Me and Louis grab a glass of champagne from the bar and start heading toward our seats, 'so why did it take you so long to introduce me to Niall?' I ask him.

'Well I didn't think you'd want to meet him'

'Why wouldn't I, he seems nice' I say. 'So are you still friends with all the guys from your famous boyband?'

'Almost all of them, me and zayn grew apart a little' he says while looking down. 'But I hope I can talk to him again soon'

'Aww, you miss him'

'Of course I do, he was my bestfriend' Louis says, 'but enough about that, are you going to the afterparty?'

'I am, that's the best part of this whole night' I say laughing, 'are you going?'

'Yeah I think so, it's not like I have anything better to do anyways'

We find our seats and wait for the show to start, 'who was that girl Niall was with, I don't think I've ever seen her before?'

'Oh that's because she's not famous'

'Is she a fan of his?'

'I don't think so, I'm not sure how they know eachother, I think they have a mutual friend or something' Louis says 'he doesn't talk about her that much to be honest'

'Well they seem happy together'

'I think they are' he says 'why are you so interested in their relationship anyways?'

'Oh no reason, just being curious' I say looking down, I honestly don't know I'm all of the sudden so Interested in Nialls relationship, well maybe I'll see him at the afterparty, he seems like a nice guy to be friends with

I think the show is about to begin' Right after I said that the show

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