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It's been a week since me and Charlotte broke up and I haven't really left my house since, I've been grocery shopping but that's about it, I've just been feeling really down this week. I had just finished my dinner when I heard the doorbell ring, I walked over to the door and opened it to see Ashely standing there 'hey N, come on get in the car' she says

'Hey what are you doing here, and why should I get into the car?' I ask her

'Well you haven't left your house all week and you've been all sad and I get that since you just went trough a break up but it's time to cheer you up' she says 'so just get in the car'

'Fine, just let me get my phone' I say as I walk away to grab my phone and keys, I walk back to the door and close it behind me 'are you gonna tell me where we're going?' I ask getting into the car

'Nope, it's a surprise' Ashley says smiling

We start driving and I have no clue where we could possibly be going, me and Ashley haven't seen eachother in a week and I have to say I've missed seeing her a little, maybe a little more than I should. After driving for about 20 minutes I realize where we're going 'why are we going to Santa Monica?' I ask confused

'You'll see' she responds smiling at me

I'm not gonna lie, she looks really cute when she smiles, I don't know why I enjoy her smiling so much, I shouldn't be feeling this way, it's weird and wrong. We pull up to a parking spot and get out of the car, we walk for 5 minutes when I finally realize where we are, we are at the Santa Monica pier

'So do you like the surprise?' Ashley asks me

'Of course I do' I reply 'I haven't been here in such a long time, I love it'

'I just hoped it would cheer you up a little, now come on, let's ride some rides' she tells me as she grabs my hand and pulls me to the nearest ride. Something about her grabbing my hand made me feel different, a good kinda different, it made me feel happy, which it shouldn't be doing

'How about I try to win you a teddy bear' I say 'we need a break from all the rides, we rode 4 in a row'

'Aww how romantic, a teddy bear' she says all adorable 'you can atleast try' she says as we walk over to one of those ball throwing games, after 3 tries I finally win 'aha, I knew I could do it' I say as I hand her the teddy bear I just won

'Wow Horan, you're more talented than I thought you were' she says laughing 'let's do one more ride before we go shall we'

'Let's do it' I say as we start to walk toward the rollercoaster, after we rode the rollercoaster we start to head back to the car 'you wanna get some food on the way back?' Ashley asks

'Heck yeah, I'm starving' I reply 'can we get McDonald's? I haven't been there in a long time'

'Let's do it' she says as we get into the car, we start to drive toward the nearest McDonald's, 'do you want to go trough drive thru and just eat it in the car?' She asks as we pull up

'Yeah that sounds good'

She orders our food, I got a hamburger and she got some chicken nuggets, 'thanks for tonight' I say as we eat our food, 'I really needed this'

'Anytime, I had a great night as well' she says smiling 'we should head home though, it's getting late'

'Yes we should' I say as we start to drive home

After about 15 minutes we arrive at my place 'I'll text you tomorrow' I say getting out of the car 'thanks again, I had a great time'

'Goodnight Horan' she says and I close the car door, we wave at eachother and she starts to drive away, I start to walk into my house and can't help but feel happy, for the first time this week I've felt genuinely happy and I can't help but think do I have a crush on her? I couldn't, I shouldn't, I'll just end up hurt again. I hear my phone ringing and my thoughts get interrupted, it's Lewis 'sup Lewis' I say answering the phone

'Sup Nialler, you look oddly happy'

'Oh yeah I just got back home, me and Ashley went to the Santa Monica pier'

'Oh wow, so you went on a date' he says winking

'No lewis it wasn't a date, she was just being my friend and trying to cheer me up, because that is what friends do'

'Niall mate you can keep lying to yourself but we're friends and I've never tried cheering you up by bringing you to one of the most romantic places in California'

'We were just hanging out as friends' I say

'Mate, look at how happy you look right now, and that all because you hung out with Ashely, you're not fooling me, you like this girl'

'Well I may think she's kinda cute' I admit

'Keep going, you like her more than just think she's cute'

'Fine, I might be catching feelings, but I shouldn't, she's my friend and she'd never feel the same way anyways, I'm just gonna end up hurt again'

'Niall you're not, and she obviously likes you too, she took you to the Santa Monica pier for god's sake' Lewis says

'What's so special about the Santa Monica pier?' I ask him

'Tell me, have you ever been there with someone who wasn't your girlfriend at the time'

I think about it for a second and realize he's right 'I guess I haven't, until today atleast, today I went there with my friend' I say

'Fine, just know you're not fooling anyone'

'I'm just gonna go to bed, goodnight Lewis' I say and I hang up the phone

I get changed and hop into bed, I lay there staring at the ceiling and my mind is all over the place why do I always do this, why can I never just be friends and not catch feelings for girls, I mean she's obviously beautiful, and sweet, and an amazing friend, but she was supposed to just be a friend, I'm gonna end up hurt cause there's no way she'll ever feel the same, after overthinking for 10 minutes I finally fall asleep

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