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It's Friday night and and I just came back from a day at the studio, 'hey babe I'm home' I yell out as soon as I walk into the house

'I'm in the kitchen' I hear Charlotte say

'Hey babe how was your day?' I ask her

'Boring' she replies 'I didn't expect to see you today'

'Why not? We live in the same house' I ask her

'Well because I haven't seen you all week'

'I've been busy with work you know that, I had a bunch of tour rehearsals this week' I tell her

'Yeah but the one time you don't have to work you decide you'd rather hang out with this Ashley girl than with me'

'What are you talking about?' I ask as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge

'Monday when you decided to get coffee with her instead of I don't know maybe your girlfriend' She says

'Yeah because she's my friend I like you hang out with my friends, and besides that was only for like an hour'

'It might have only been an hour but you could've used that hour to hang out with your girlfriend'

'Babe it's not that big of a deal, we even had dinner together that night'

'Don't babe me, honestly Niall I just need to be alone for a little'

'So first you're gonna complain that you don't see me enough and now you want to be alone?'

'Yes Niall, I need time to think'

'Fine, I'll go' I say as I'm walking out

As I leave my house I realize I don't really have anywhere to stay since almost all of my friends are currently in a different city, I pull out my phone and decide to call Ashley

'Hey Niall what's up' she says answering the phone

'Hey ash, I'm sorry to bother you but I kinda need a place to stay night, do you think I could maybe stay at your place ?' I ask her

'Oh yeah that's fine, the guest room is empty anyways' she replies 'I'll text you my address'

'Thank you so much ash' I say feeling relieved

'Of course, I'll see you soon'

'See you' I say and I hang up, I'm not sure why I decided to call her cause this would probably only make things worse between me and Charlotte but I can't just stay on the street the whole night I think to myself

I call myself an uber and arrive at Ashley's apartment about 20 minutes later, I knock on the door and she immediately opens it

'hey ash, thank you so much for letting me stay here' I say walking inside

'Yeah of course, it's not a problem' she says closing the door 'why can't you just stay at your house though?'

'Well me and Charlotte got into an argument and she said she needed to spend to time alone so I left'

'Oh that's rough, what was it about? If you don't mind me asking' She says sitting down in the couch

'Well she was going on about how we don't see eachother enough cause I'm always working but like tour is coming up and I really need to rehearse' I say sitting down beside her

'So she wanted to spend time with you but then wanted to be alone?'

'Basically yeah' I say 'I'm just gonna give her some space to think and see what happens tomorrow'

'Yeah you should do that' Ashley says 'anyways I'll show you the guest room'

'That sounds good'

'So this is my room, and that's the the bathroom and then there down the hall is the guest room' she says as we walk toward the guests room

'It look nice'

'Thanks, I designed it myself' she says smiling 'I'm gonna head to bed but if you want to eat or drink something feel free to just grab it, like they say, mi casa es su casa'

'Thanks' I say while laughing 'goodnight ash'

'Goodnight Nialler' she says as she walks into her own room'

As I walk into the guest room my phone rings, it's Lewis FaceTiming me

'What's up Lewis' I say answering the phone

'Hey bro' he says 'where are you, this doesn't look like your house'

'It's not my house, you remember that girl I told you about, Ashley? It's her house' I say while closing the door

'Yeah I know her, I've seen her in some movies and shit' Lewis says 'but why you staying at her place?'

'Well me and Charlotte got into an argument and she said she needed some space so I gave her some space'

'What was the argument about'

'Well it started about how me and her don't spend enough time together lately but then she made it about how I spend my time getting coffee with Ashley instead of getting coffee with her'

'Oof, that's rough bro' he says 'sounds like she's getting a bit jealous of Ashley'

'Yeah but I don't understand why, there's nothing to be jealous of' I say sitting down on the bed 'me and Ashley are just friends'

'Are you sure you don't feel a little more then just friendship for Ashley?'

'Yes Lewis, she's just my friend that's it'

'Well if you say so'

'Well yes I do say so' I tell him 'anyways I'm gonna head to bed, it's like midnight here'

'I always forget about the time zones' he says 'well goodnight bro, I talk to you later'

As I hang up the phone I realize I didn't bring anything besides my phone, i guess I'll just have to sleep in my underwear I think to myself

I take off my clothes and hop into bed, I stare at the ceiling for while thinking Lewis was wrong right? I don't have feelings for Ashley, I can't have, I have a girlfriend, and besides Ashley would never feel the same anyways. after about 10 minutes I drift of to sleep


Hey everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day
Please let me know if you liked this chapter and leave me feedback :)
Stay safe everyone Xx

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