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I just arrived home from the award show and still had Niall his contact open from when he filled in his number, should I send him a message, he might still be awake, I thought to myself

'Heyy Niall what's up? Hope I didn't wake you' I text him as I start to take my make up off

'Heyy Ashley, no you didn't wake me, I couldn't sleep anyways. Atleast now I have someone to talk to' he replied

'Well good thing I couldn't sleep either. It was really nice to meet you tonight, Louis told me you were a nice guy'

'Wow so Louis talks about me, good to know. But yeah it was nice to meet you as well, Turns out you're just as friendly as you appear to be on screen'

'Well good to know I'm friendly. Anyways, do you have a nickname or I'm I just gonna have to keep calling you Niall?' I ask as I'm starting to put on my pajama

'My friends call me Nialler, so I guess you can call me that. What about you?'

'Oh so we're friends now :) most of my friends just call me Ash' I reply while getting into bed

'Ofcourse we're friends, why wouldn't we be'

'I usually don't become friends with someone I just met a couple hours ago'

'Well how about we go get coffee together tomorrow and we get to know eachother a little better. Then you can tell me if we're friends or not'

'Sounds like a good plan :)'

'Great I'll see you tomorrow, 1.30pm at the Starbucks on Hollywood Blvd?'

'Sounds good, I'll see you there. Goodnight :)' I say

'Goodnight :)' he replies back, I turn on my alarms for tomorrow morning and switch off my phone, it's time to go to bed


It's the next day and I've just woken up, I had some cereal for breakfast and I'm now gonna start getting ready. It's pretty warm outside so I'll just wear a tube top with some jeans and my Airforce 1s. I put on some mascara and start to head out. It's only a 10 minute walk from my apartment to Starbucks and since it's a sunny day I LA I'm just going to walk there. I arrive at around 1.32pm and Niall is already inside waiting for me

'Hey sorry I'm late' I say walking in

'It's fine, I was early anyways' he says 'I just ordered you the same thing as me cause I didn't know what you wanted'

'Thanks for ordering, I'm sure whatever you picked is good' I say as I'm sitting down next to Niall.

We're sitting at a table in the back of the Starbucks, there are only 3 other people inside of the Starbucks and they're all working in their computers

'So what do you want to know about me?' Niall asks as the waiter is putting down our coffees

'Just tell me a little bit about yourself'

'Well, I was born in Ireland on September 13 1993, my moms name is Maura, she's the sweetest woman ever, my dads name is Bobby, I have a brother named Greg' he says smiling 'I joined the xfactor but wasn't good enough so ended up in this boyband that someone became one of the biggest ever, first moved to London then also got a place here in LA, after a couple years said boyband went on a break so I started my solo career and now I'm here'

'Wow, that was a whole backstory' I say laughing

'You wanted to get to know me, well there you go, now you tell me about yourself'

'Well I was born in London on December 3rd 1995, my moms name was Demi, she sadly passed away when I was young, my dads name is Oliver, I have a sister named Ally, when I was about 5 years old I landed my first role in a commercial and never stopped acting ever since, moved to LA 2 years ago and I've had some amazing roles ever since I've been here, and yeah that's about it' I say smiling

'I'm sorry about you're mom' Niall says

'It's fine, I don't really remember her'

'So does this mean we're friends?'

'Yes Nialler, this means we are friends'

'Finally, I needed a new friend in LA' he replies as he finishes his coffee 'well I have a meeting so I have to go, but this was nice'

'It was nice, well you can always hmu cause you have my number and good luck with your meeting'

'Thanks, byee' Niall says while walking out

I can't quite place this feeling I'm feeling, but somehow talking to Niall made me feel really happy, maybe I just needed a new friend.


It's been about 4 hours since Niall and I met up for coffee and I haven't stopped think about him since, I know I shouldn't be thinking about him but I just can't stop it so I decide to text him, 'hi, I had a great time today, we should do it again soon' I text him

He replies a minute later 'yeah we should, it was great fun, and it was really nice to get to know you'

We text for another hour until I have to go eat dinner 'well I'll talk to you later, I have to go' I say

'Goodbye my he says 'We'll definitely y'all later'

I put my phone away and start cooking dinner, once again I can't stop thinking about Niall, I really need to get him off of my mind


Hey guys, I really hope y'all liked this chapter
If you have feedback please let me know, this is my first fanfic and I'm always looking to improve
I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far :)

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