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I woke up feeling confused until I realized I was at Niall's place. I grab my phone and see that it's already 11am. I also see a bunch of missed calls from Alissa, I'll call her after breakfast, I think to myself. I get out of bed and start to head toward the kitchen.
'Good morning sleepyhead' Niall says as soon as he sees me 'did you sleep well?'

'Morning' I say as I sit down at the kitchen table, 'yeah, the bed was very comfy'

'That's good to hear, I made you a smoothie' he says handing me the smoothie

'Thanks, it looks great' I say taking a sip

'I still can't believe you left the party for your own movie' Niall says as he sits down opposite of me

'I doubt anyone even noticed, most people were drunk' I say 'and let's be honest most people were only there for either the free booze or the get with someone'

'Well not for me, I barely drank and didn't get with anyone' he says 'and you're friend probably missed you'

'I do have a couple of missed calls from her' I say 'but trust me I've known her longer than today and I know she didn't go home alone'

'How do you know that so certain?'

'Its Alissa, at a party with a bunch of good looking guys, there's no way she went home alone'

'I mean good for her I guess' he says grabbing our glasses and putting them in the sink

'Anyways, do you mind if I borrow you're clothes for a little? I don't have anything else besides my dress from last night' I ask

'Yeah that's fine, you can just give them back whenever' he replies

'Thanks' I say getting up 'well I'm gonna head out'

'I'll drop you off at you're place, I'm going to the studio anyways' he says grabbing his car keys

'Alright let's go' I say walking out the door

After driving for 20 minutes we arrive at my place, 'thanks for dropping me off, and also thanks for letting me spend the night' I say as I get out of the car

'Anytime' he says winking at me. I wave at him and start to walk toward to elevator up to my apartment, as soon as I walk in I see Alissa sitting there 'finally you're home' she says

'What are you doing here?' I say as I close the door behind me

'I woke up at some random guys house and thought I'd check in on you since you didn't answer any of my calls or return any of my texts'

'Sorry my phone died' I lie

'Whatever, where were you anyways?' You know you left you're own party right?'

'Yeah I know, I got bored, I barley knew anyone there and I got hungry'

'So you left, alone?' She asks

'No, I left with Niall'

'Oh so that's where you spend the night' she says as I sit down next to her on the couch

'I did yeah, we went to McDonald's and then watched a movie at his place. I was gonna go home but it was 1am already and he wasn't gonna let me leave so I stayed in the guest rooms at his place'

'Ugh you're boring, you should've kissed him or something, that was a perfect opportunity'

'Who says I want to kiss him?' I ask

'You're face does, can you just freaking admit it, you're falling for him'

'Ugh Fine, you're right, I am falling for him. But I shouldn't be, I shouldn't be falling for him cause he's just my friend and We're both just gonna end up hurt cause that's what always happens' I yell out

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