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Me and Ashley haven't talked for a week, ever since we went biking together. I just don't understand why we haven't been talking, I've tried texting her but I've just been getting dry replies. It's like she's avoiding me. I miss hanging out with her, we had so much fun and now that's just all gone. I just don't understand why this is happening. I decide to call Lewis 'sup Nialler' he says answering the phone

'Hey Lewis, I fucked up' I say

'Why, what happened?' He asks concerned

'You were right, I fell for Ashley' I admit

'What's wrong with that?' He says

'So everything was going great, we were getting closer and all' I say 'until we went biking last week, after that she hasn't talked to me, idk what I did wrong Lewis'

'Well did you say something?' He asks

'Maybe, I mean there was a weird moment when we were watching the sunset.' I say 'she asked if I believe in soulmates and I told her not until I met this special girl'

'You idiot' Lewis yells out 'now she thinks you're in love with some special chick, you should've told her it was her stupid'

'Ugh Damn, I didn't think about that fuck' I say with regret 'I wasn't supposed to mess this one up but look where I am now'

'Don't be so hard on yourself, there's time to fix this' he says 'you're just gonna have to work for it'

'Yeah you're right, I'm gonna text her'

'Alright, talk to you later' he says hanging up the phone

I think about it for a little and then decide to text Ashley, here goes nothing, I think to myself 'heyy ash, wanna hang out tonight?' I text. I wait for about 10 minutes when I finally hear my phone ding, my heart skips a beat

'Idk if I have time' she replies

'Oh come on, we haven't seen eachother in like a week' I say hoping she misses me as much as I miss her

'Fine, I'll come over tonight' she says and I immediately feel relieved and happy

'Yess, I'll see you tonight :)' I say and I put my phone away

I'm so glad she said yes, I need to know if she's mad at me or something and like this I can atleast see her facial expressions. I decide to hop into the shower and chance into something that looks presentable. I put on a white shirt and some shorts. I make myself a salad for dinner and wait in anticipation, she never told me a time, she just said tonight. Around 9.45pm I had almost given up all hope that she was coming until I finally heard the doorbell ring. I shoot up out of my seat and practically run to the door. 'Hey I'm so sorry I'm this late' she says when I open the door

'No worries, come in' I say letting her inside

'I've just been crazy busy this past week, sorry I haven't talked to you much' she says as I close the door. And I start to think maybe she really was just busy, maybe there's nothing going on, maybe nothing changed

'Oh it's fine, that happens' I say 'you want something to drink'

'You have any alcohol?' She asks sitting down at the kitchen table

'Yeah I got beer' I say grabbing 2 beers from the fridge

'Thanks, I really need one' she says when I hand her the beer

'Though day' I ask

'Definitely, I've had to do a bunch of interviews' she says 'but after 5 times hearing the some questions over and over again it can get annoying'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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