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It's Friday and tonight is the movie premiere for my movie 'someone you loved' and I couldn't be more excited, we've been working on this movie for about a year and a half and I couldn't be more happy that it's finally premiering, it's currently 4pm and it's time to get ready. I meet up with my stylist Noah, 'hey boo, I got your dress, spoiler alert, it's beautiful' he says as he walks into the room

'Show it to me!' I say excited

'Okay so it's this gorgeous red short silky dress' he says while getting the dress out of the bag

'It's absolutely beautiful!' I scream out as I see it 'I love it!'

'I'm glad you do cause I didn't bring a back up' Noah says

'You didn't have to, it's so gorgeous wow' I say still in shock over the dress

'Well before you can put it on it's time to do your makeup' he says walking over to me with his makeup  kit

'What's the look tonight?' I ask him as I sit back down

'Red eyeshadow look to match the dress'

'Sounds sexy' I say

'I know right, why do you think I picked it, you have to impress everyone' he says as he gets started on my makeup 'so are there any boys you need to impress tonight'

'Not really'

'Sounds like there's more to that'

'Well I mean there's this guy whom I have a tiny crush on but that's about it'

'Tell me more about him, do I know him?' He asks excited

'I don't know if you've met him but you defo know who it is' I say

'Well tell me then'

'It's Niall Horan, we're just friends but I mean he's cute you know and there's been some harmless flirting but it's never gonna turn into anything anyways'

'Omg wait you know the Niall Horan, and yeah he's obviously cute' he says 'and don't say it's never gonna turn into anything, never say never'

'He doesn't like me back anyways and we're just friends and that's how it's gonna be' I say

'If you say so' Noah says

After about an hour my makeup and hair is finally done, I have this gorgeous red eye look with red lipstick and my hair is half up half down. After I put on my dress I hear my phone ringing 'it's Niall' Noah says handing me my phone winking at me

'Hey Ni what's up?' I say answering the phone

'Nothing much, just checking to see how you're doing, nervous?' He asks me

'Not really, more excited' I answer 'I've been working on this movie for a long time, I'm just excited people will finally get to see it'

'I'm sure it's gonna be amazing'

'You're coming to the premiere right?' I ask him

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