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'I truly don't know why we went to this' I say as me and Charlotte are walking out of the venue 'that was one of the most boring award shows I've ever been to'

'You just say that cause you weren't nominated'

'Well why would I have to go if I'm not gonna win anything anyways' I say 'atleast we still have the afterparty, that's always the best part'

'Yeah about that, I'm actually feeling kinda tired to I'm just gonna head home' she says 'but you can still go, go have fun'

'You sure you don't want me to go home with you?'

'No I'll be fine, now go, don't be late' she says while getting into an uber

'Okay, goodnight babe' I say while getting into my own uber

We drive for about 15 minutes when we get to the afterparty, a bunch of people are already there but I don't see anyone I know yet

I walk around for a little while when I bumb into Ashley, 'heyy you're Ashley right, you all alone?'

'Hey yeah Niall right?' She asks, 'well I was with Lou but I don't know where he went, what about you, where did your girlfriend go?'

'Oh she felt tired so she went home' I say 'anyways, I love you're accent, are you british?'

'I am, born and raised in London'

'Oh so you're a city girl'

'I guess you could say that' she says laughing, 'you're Irish right'

'Definitely, Born and raised in Mullingar'

'Yeah I've never heard of that place in my life'

'It's nice, you should visit it once' I say 'there's not much to do but it's a nice little town'

'Only if you come with me, I need a tour guide to show me around'

'Maybe we could do that one say'

'Hey guys there you are' Louis says while walking toward us 'I think I got lost or something, this place is bigger then it looks'

'Hey Lou, where did you go?' She asks Louis

'I was trying to go to the bathroom but ended up in a kitchen, this place is confusing'

'I'm gonna go say hi to some more people, I'll see you guys later' I say walking off

'If you get bored you'll know where to find us' Ashley says

I can't help but think about her, she seems like a nice girl to be friends with

It's about an hour later and I'm just about to head home when Ashley runs up to me 'hey Niall wait before you go, could I maybe get you're number'

'Yeah sure' I say while pulling out my phone

'I know you have a girlfriend and all and I'm not trying to hit on you, if that's what you're thinking'

'I wasn't think that at all, we can be friends'

'Yes, yes we definitely can be, I'll text you' she says walking off

I get into my uber and start driving home, once I arrive home Charlotte is already asleep, I try to go to sleep but I can't stop thinking, until my phone lights up

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