Chapter 1 - home

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It was peaceful nonetheless and that's low she liked it. After spending little over week in another country's waters competing in yet another surfing championship, Astrid was finally glad to be back to the place she called home . She was certain that no other place could compare.
The water that she trailed her hand through the calmed deep blue salted , watching it ripple through the finger tips. This was her home , she had grown up in these waters , learned how to swim and surf , this was the place she had created so many memories.
Taking a deep breathe in as she took it all in , what was around her . The salt that radiated from water and clung to air , the waves that crashed down into the soft golden grains of beach. The palm trees that danced with the gentle hum of the wind in the far distance. It was all right to her , it all just fitted perfectly together like puzzle . The pieces just fitted together perfectly.
As she floated on the gentle crawling waves while sitting on her board she looked up to sunset that painted the sky in a streak of beauty with its golden , iris colours . It brought a smile to her face which she didn't want to hide. Sounds of the waves crashing together was a perfect melody to her ears that she'd gladly put on a loop.
Peace it what this moment she thought and didn't want it to leave.

It took her a while to final bring herself down to shore but she finally caved in as the cold settled against her skin.
The smile still pinned against her face as she parted from the deeps waves she has grown to love over the years she'd learned surf.
Placing her board down the sand , she longingly stared to ocean , excitement filling her heart as she couldn't stop thinking about what the next day would bring . An entire day out here in paradise doing what she loves . Surf .
Once placing an simple pair of shorts with baggy shirt to compliment she took her board and stared to take herself down the familiar walk way back to her humble home.
But as she made her way up the beach the quiet humming of the wind and flapping of a birds gentle winds was faintly interrupted by the sound feet padding into the muddy sand making their way towards the blonde.
"Astrid ! Hey wait up " She turned to face such a familiar face she had rarely seen since the beginning of summer before she left .
"Eret" she smiled " hey it's been a minute"

"Yeah , I herd that you had come back today so I though I'd see if you came here" Eret spoke with a nervous smile starting to creep into his face along with noticeable redness to his cheeks Astrid couldn't help to find slightly adorable.
She let out a small giggle "well you know me" she gestured to herself before looking back out to the ocean for a second " I can't stay away from this place it seems"

"Oh definitely" he replied " I'd like to see you try and stay away"

"Well I think we both know that isn't possible" Eret spoke which make them both laugh softly.

Before she knew it they both sat on the beach talking for what seemed like hours catching up on what they had both missed while away from each other's company. For moment as they say in each other's company , side by side it gave her warm flashbacks to the beginning of the summer season and the found memories of the time they had spent together form the small beautiful kisses to the late night surfs they spend together on the very beach they sat on. It brought a guilty smile to her face.
"So.." he trailed looking towards her with his soft eyes " couldn't help but hear about you winning that competition down under" he nudged her shoulder

"Please" she rolled her eyes looking away somewhat embarrassed .
As much as she loved entering and taking part in every competition she participated in , and putting her soul and effort into . She always somewhat hated the fame and talk of her achievements it just for some reason made want to crawl deep into the bottom of the ocean . She hated to be centre of anyone's attention.
"Oh come on , you have to admit it . You were amazing" he told her , all of his words leaking with enthusiasm. She looked into eyes and could she the state of proud he radiates towards her . "You have to be one of the best surfers out their at this point"

" I don't really know"she trailed on

"Oh please , people don't stand a chance against you" he then spoke , his words trying to fill her up with pride " I bet you could even win against that good for nothing haddock surfer dude"

"Hiccup Haddock ?" Astrid quizzed with an eyebrow raised . She had always herd mentions of him but had never payed much attention towards it. Astrid never really had a place in her heart to care for the 'wealthy spoiled brats' she's call them . However it was hard to not hear about the infamous hiccup who lived on the other side of island where all the rich lived . She had her all about is wild partying ways and struggled to fit that life with a way of surfer. It was hard to contemplate when she thought about it which was rare.

"Yeah that dude , I'm sure he wouldn't stand a chance"

A small smirk started to creep its way into her face. She glanced to Eret , then to her board , then to the ocean the lates I front of them and back to him.

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