Chapter 8 - Plan in action

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In the blink of the eye the next few days had vanished into a blur.
When morning had abruptly come around and Astrid still couldn't decide on what she wanted to do.
Kick an entitled rich surfers ass on the waves or just a break in life and breathe . To her both offers sounded extremely tempting and who was going to say that she couldn't do both. It has kept her up until the early hours of the morning and now she sat in her family living room contently eating her way through a nice bowl of cereal as she watched the news .
"Hey munchkin" Her dad happily greeted her as he made his way into the kitchen. grabbing himself a bowl and the milk. "Hey dad"
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked as put the milk back and poured the chocolatey cereal into his bowl and made his way to sit next to her .
"Not really" she sighed moving her spoon threw her breakfast. She forces herself to look down as it was too early to face her sympathising look of her dad .
"All that thought of the competition keeping you up , eh ?"
"Yes" she breathed a sigh of relief but it soon turned unsteady " no ... I just don't know. It's hard dad . I want to do it but I'm just exhausted. Do I just take a break instead?"
"Love" she spoke sweetly , wrapping an arm around his daughters shoulders and pulled her in for a loving supportive hug " it's okay . It's okay to be confused"
Confused ? That wasn't even the beginning of it . Every time she thought about it had started to give her a headache but at the same time scolded herself for not being able to make a simple decision. "You just gotta let your heart decide what you wanna go which I know sounds cliche but is it true". Astrid couldn't help but smile and he thankful for being able to have such an enthusiastic and encouraging father in her life . He'd always pushed her to strive for her dreams and goals that hurled towards her like the time she was only a child and struggling tackle the Roundhouse Cutback move in the waves but with her fathers perseverance she was able to tackle it in no time.
"But if you want my opinion" he then started " I think you should do this . Seriously ,because for what it's worth I know deep down you love competing and doing stuff like this and it's not just for the chance to win . It's because you love the thrill and joy it bring you . I see it every time I watch you"Astrid couldn't argue with his words as she knew that his words were true to the core .
The waves brought her joy and satisfaction whenever she surfed it was her happy place and there was no denying it . Even in the moment she mourned he the fact she wasn't out taking the morning sun in.
" well thank you dad for that . It helps really" she spoke softly before she put her bowl down to engulf her dad into another sweet cuddle .
"Anything for my princess . I love you sweetie"
Astrid then pulled away with a bright smile wrapped around her face and stood up and headed to the kitchen to put the bowl in the sink .
" I think I might head out to the beach , that okay ?" She asked hopefully already itching her way to her room where her beloved was waiting for her .
A small loving chuckle cane from her dad who just looked over to daughter with a warm fond smile as if he couldn't be any proud of his little girl who was growing up too fast. "Of course you can darling, just don't be back late! It's tacos for tea"

"Wouldn't dare miss it dad ! Love you" She yelled as she sprinted towards her room to immediately put her surf suit on and run her way down to the beach that was calling her .

"Are you sure about this ? I mean I'm not saying that this is a bad idea but -"
"Yes Dylan" Hiccup was quick to interject " it's been days and we haven't herd anything" he was quick to emphasise.
But part of Hiccup wasn't surprised he knew had gotten to her and frightened her to the core . He liked to believed that moment she saw his competition invite she gave up surfing all together as knew that there was no way that she reckon and defeat the force that was the one and only Hiccup Haddock.
"Well maybe it's cause she's scared ! Intimidated even !" Dylan told him as she struggled to keep up with the Haddock who marched around the Vila.
"Yeah maybe but still I'm going over to check it out" He objected . " She lives on this island , wouldn't you believe it ?" He turned around with a small chuckle to look at his friend " she had to have herd the news ... there's no way she couldn't of"

"I guess but this plan of yours is still crazy" Dylan was extremely quick to point hoping to fake hiccup into believe that he wary of this plan when in reality he had secretly planned this , whispering the thoughts into his ear over the last few days .
"It might be" Hiccup agreed with a nod and opened up the garage where his beloved Porsche sat waiting for him . "But I'm still going . It will be good , I'll be able to scare her into maybe doing this or not"
The smirk was hard to keep of Dylan's face but was able to cover it with a mask that screamed concerned .
"Fine" he sighed and placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket " if I can't stop you at least let me give you some advice"

" I'm listening"

" At least take your board " he couldn't hold in anymore and let out a smile "it could scare her you know , seeing you in action on the waves". He stood in anticipation waiting the tears turn in Hiccups head as he thought about it . He knew he had gotten what he set out when the infamous smirk came across hiccups thin lips and agreed.
Dylan couldn't help but stare at the scene that soon played in-front of him as he watched Hiccup go back into the house and then soon reappear with his board and freshly packed bag by his side that quickly made its way to the the car.
In an attempt to look cool hiccup had also had put a pair of dark shades on , clearly going for the bad boy surfer dude .
"I'll be back hopefully in a couple of days , but I'll keep in touch don't worry . The first moment I can I'll call you" Hiccup informed him as he slid his away down into the front leather seat of the car and started the engine .
Snickering Dylan waved from the front to hiccup as back out on the drive  "I'm counting on it".

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