Chapter 9 - Face to face

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After the quiet hours on the beautiful scenic route that hiccup drove down to the other side of the island was worth it as in only couple of hours he had made it down to the small quaint village which he was looking for .
Hiccup parked near the beach and took in his surroundings. He quite weirdly liked this place despite being in for only a matter of seconds . The place was welcoming and full of life from every angle.
He found the streets to be quaint and peaceful and nothing he had ever really seen before . It was all different to watch her grown up around as for the majority of life he spent it up in his parents Vila and private beach . He'd never had bothered to explore the world beyond the small village he'd grown up in .

Hiccup made a straight line for the beach and took in its natural beauty or beauties as he couldn't help give away some extremely flirtatious glances and winks towards some of girls. He continued to make his way around the white sandy shores seeking out his pray , he was sure that she would be here after all the internet had proved to show a shower of photos of her at the his beach surrounded people that he would guess where he friends.
After a search through the crowds of people on the beach his eyes wondered to the deep aquatic blue waves in the far of distance. She was there . He couldn't believe it , he'd found her which went his plan was finally in motion . Hiccup pushed his glasses down to get a better look.
He stood in an awe of amazement and shock as he watched her surf and he couldn't deny that in the flesh , she was quite a pro those videos didn't do her much distance but of course he would never admit it out loud . He couldn't even deny to himself that she was somewhat beautiful , the smile she had painted over her face and her blonde soft flowing locks was memorising in a weird way to him.He'd never really cared about this much with all the other girl. He hoped it wouldn't last long .
The idea of her beating him suddenly made her unattractive for a moment.

Hiccup had no idea long she had or would of be out for her so he decided to make the best whatever the beach had to offer and luckily for him his eyes soon made contact with the small humble shack a couple yards away that had the fresh smell of bacon and waffles coming from it .
Enticingly he made his way in and was greeted by humble music and a couple quick glances that made him lower his head. If anyone was here knew who Hiccup was and told Astrid ... his cover would be blown and he didn't want that . Hiccup wanted the elements of surprise.
He advanced on the bar and ordered himself a cool refreshing can of coke before leading back out .
The moment he made it back to beach he couldn't move . Astrid had left the waves behind and was now only a standing a good few meters away from him unaware that her possible rival was right behind her .
He took the moment and made his way towards her with pride in his every step . This was it , this was the moment.
Hiccup made sure she was in her earshot before he spoke " you know for what I've been told about you being amazing. Your quite ... what's the word ? Amateur ? Boring? Weak ? Or just maybe all three"

It was all sudden and especially out of the blue for her as she has never expected him to actual show up in anyway shape or form , Astrid just thought that he would forget about it and just move on with his posh perfect life but instead he was behind her . She felt exposed standing in only her surfing suit that was now extra tightly stuck to her skin ,showing off her thin intricate body.
With an eyebrow raised she turned around "should I know you ?" She asked innocently.
She watched as his eyes filled with shock and stood slightly appalled "are you serious? You have no idea who I am" he gestured to himself "I'm Hiccup Haddock , you know the guy who is wanting to beat your ass in the competition" . The smirk that he had proudly gotten wider as he spoke . It was so tempted to punch it off his sweet face but Astrid has to restrain herself.
"So your this rich boy ? Hiccup Haddock?" She questioned.
With a smug look he smiled and opened his arms wide as he proudly gestured towards his lean figure as if he expected everyone on the beach behind them to drop everything they were doing and swoon , clap and cheer for him in that every moment "of course" he stated proudly "the one and only".
"And... I'm guessing you're here because ... what?" Astrid knitted her eyebrows together as she questioned . Apart of her knew that he was here because of the competition but she didn't think that would be of much concern to him as after all he was just some guy with a mountain high stash of money to his name .
" oh I think you know why I'm here" he spoke as he crossed his arms and nodded Astrids way  " you haven't responded to my offer"
"Offer as in ..." she trailed on as it brought her joy to watch fury and frustration slower appear over his play "this stupid competition of yours ?"

"Wait ?! Stupid ?! How is any surfing competition stupid ?" He stressed as if Astrid use of the word 'stupid' had offended him right to the core. Astrid couldn't help but laugh at his ways and how she couldn't believe the ignorant boy in front of her, looking at him in this moment she definitely wanted to serve him a cup of humble tea in the way of a 1st place trophy .
" I never said it was stupid" Astrid defended " just maybe against you" .
A quick sigh of annoyance came soon her remark as Hiccup patience grew extremely thin and he opened his mouth ready to defended his brilliant ways on the ways. However Astrid then was quick to speak up cutting him off "Look if you really care about this thing then meet at that shack over there at six" she gestured  To the shack in the distance.
Smirking back and fourth at her and the quaint shack in the background , Hiccup smiled "sounds like a plan"

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