Chapter 6 -Old flings

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As she paddled through the waves of the late afternoon she couldn't but stare in awe of the view around her. It was the simple but elegant view she had grown up to admire more and more each day. She had never stopped falling in love with the view  of the cove , the irresistible view of the white crumbling that outlined the cove .
Sitting upon her board she took it all in as she started into the beyond taking a deep breath in and letting herself fall into the charming sweet peace that surrounded her . The distant sound of the birds chirping had helped to start drowning her thoughts out of troubled her . From idea of a battling an self absorbed rich boy  on the waves to thinking about the future and what she could with her life . Astrid always has distant thoughts of travelling the globe and exploring the rare cultural world that laid beyond the little island she called her home . Astrid thoughts had even wondered to moving to a place such as Australia to try and pursue a job to help clean up the ocean and make the world a better place . And what better place to start than saving the innocent turtles and sea life from the villainous plastic that suffocated the ocean.
She could of stared into the distance for what probably seemed like hours , but she soon pulled away by the sound of Ruffnut voice breaking into the silence as she screamed out to Astrid inviting into the cafe shack behind her.
Smiling she made her way back to the shore placing her board into the sand with the rest of her friends and putting some good old trusted baggy shirts and good fitting shorts over her swimsuit.
Then making her way restaurant disguised as humble beach shack which seemed to be full of lights, laughter and life at this moment. Gods she loved that place . It was the home of many memories of her and the gang from when the were nothing but innocent children to the times they were reckless teens enjoy a nice milkshake to a epic onion ring fight . And even the simple memories of her farther and their little after surf dates when she was a kid .

Once entering the shack she was greeting with the sound of people chatting and laughing filling up the room. Astrid wondered through the isles , making a be-line straight towards the booth her friends had taken over .
"Hey" Astrid smiled and pointing over to the bar "I'm just going to get a quick drink. I'll be back to a sec" . A few quick responses of okays and she made her way over the bar which was for once not crowded.
"Let me guess... one strawberry milkshake " the friendly voice of Jason came into Astrid earshot as sat the bar .
A small giggle made its way out of her mouth "Of course . Can't a day without your famous milkshakes now can I ?"
"Then one strawberry milkshake coming up!" Jason merrily spoke before turning his back to Astrid and starting to whip up one of his signature milkshakes everyone seemed to love .
"Thank you Jason" . Astrid hadn't yet realise that a familiar tall black haired tattooed had occupied the stool next to her .
Bringing her to his attention Eret faked a coughed before giving her a loving smile "hey beautiful".
Astrid shifted a bit uncomfortable on the stool hoping that he wouldn't notice it "erm hey ... eret" she laughed nervously " I haven't seen you around much since I've been back"
"Erm yeah .I was able to get the job at the hardware store , so yeah. I've been pretty busy with that" Eret told her " I mean it's great and all , but ... I just don't get to see you as much which sucks big time" . His voice was clearly sounded cocky but with a hint of goofiness laced in.
She couldn't help but stare into his warm brown eyes "Eret" Astrid sighed looking away.
"Oh come on" he started and trying to grab her hands she had loosely and set upon the bar . The warmth that he radiates from his hands remind of the sweet moments they had shared during their brief summer romance that had started at the beginning of the summer and quickly ended before she went away to compete. The soft gentle touch of his skin against her own palms was like key that unlocked the many memories that they had shared during that brief time together from the moments they snuck away and had what some would call intense liplocks sessions they would have late at the beach .
"Don't you remember the time we spend to together" he squeezed her hands as if asking for reassurance " please tell me you miss it just as much as me" he could clearly see through the smile I tried to put abs signed " I think I might love you . Your incredible ,beautiful and so incredibly talented"
It was all so sudden and unexpected . She didn't see this coming at all .
"Eret" She started all serious hoping to get her point " what we had it's over . We both agreed it was the best"
"I know . I know . But I want another try. What we had was amazing and I miss you so much" she couldn't stand the pain that was conflicting in his eyes " please Astrid " he sounded as if he had been hurt and she couldn't bare it , she has to close her eyes " I don't want to act like it never happened . I miss you Astrid . I'm serious"

As if on queue Jason slid on over Astrids milkshake over from the other side of the bar as he could probably sense the uncomfortable tension and not want to take a step near it .
Grasping her milkshake she took her straw and moved in a circular motion in the cup as tried to bro g her attention to something other then the conversation at hand.
"I just don't know if I feel the same way Eret" she feared her words had formed an icy dagger that had in the moment been plunged into Erets heart "I'm sorry . I really am . I just don't really know"

"Hey it's okay" he smile was warm even after her icy words as if he didn't want to hurt her with true emotions " doesn't mean I'm going to give up fighting though. Who could ever want to give up on some a beautiful Valkyrie . I mean their just have to be stupid"

"Err thanks Eret" she told him . The awkwardness in the air suddenly started to become thicker as they sat in silence.
He couldn't help but give her one if his genuine loving smiles , and she couldn't deny that she had soft sport for it .
"It's okay" he started , his voice calm and full of reason "seriously . I get it and it's okay if you aren't ready or even ever in fact , but I'll be here for always"

"I know and thank you" Astrid soothingly spoke as give gave him an apologetic smile. Even with a summer fling which stemmed from an innocent childhood crush Astrid knew she didn't deserve someone such as Eret's love. She had abruptly broke up with him before she left. She'd never forget the look of pain and heartbreak as she left him. During their time together Astrid was able to meet the other side of Eret that laid under the tattoos and hard exterior was a soft gentlemen that not many people were able to see .
"Don't worry about it" His voice was full of reassurance " just don't forget it blondie. No matter what happens I probably won't stop caring about you"

"Same here eret" she breathed and lightly squeezed his and to prove her point .
She sat there and witnessed him start to move off of his stool and stand . But before starting to make his way out of the shack he meant over to give her a small , sweet sentimental kiss on the forehead .

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