Chapter 10 - Descions to be made

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The rest of the day couldn't of gone slower for Hiccup as he waited eagerly to talk to the mysterious blonde. Sitting in his seat Hiccup shifted uncomfortably as he grew impatient waiting for her arrival, he couldn't stop stealing glances at the clock that hung on the wall which was ticking dangerously close to six . She should be here by now Hiccup couldn't help but think , but couldn't think that she could of possibly be scared and a coward by not showing up.
His hopes were quickly met soon later as Astrid entered the shack , scanning the room with an look of annoyance streamed across her face for him . As soon as there eyes met a weird unfamiliar feeling surge trickled through his veins , a sense of comfort and warmth . Why he felt like this you may ask .... even Hiccup understand why he did but wondered if she felt the same when she looked into his forest green eyes.
His gaze didn't leave her body as she watched her go to the bar before faintly hearing order a strawberry milkshake then making her way to where he sat ,

Astrid took a seat upon the unoccupied seat across from him.
"So" she broke the tension that surrounded them "I'm ... surprised you came, a part of me didn't think you would" . He couldn't help but give her a clear shot of signature smirk that he was known for.
"What reason would I have too show? I made it all the way down here too see you didn't I ?" Hiccup questioned her with an raise of the eyebrow.
"Fair point , but from what I know you haven't been doing many competitions in a good while in fact" Hiccup couldn't deny this as what Astrid said was pure fact. He had decided to abruptly stop surfing competitively as he believed that everyone was too unaccomplished for him and it wasn't worth the waste of time in his mind. " I can even remember the last competition I went too , you Hiccup Haddock was noticeably absent. Gosh all the girls there were so sad practically heartbroken"
Hiccup wasn't too surprised at this news , girls everywhere swooned over Hiccup begging him for time alone. He can even remember times when some girls were so practically dragging and jumping on him to any secluded spot they could find.He had gotten used to it over the years so much it had practically become normal.
"Nice to hear" he grinned "But you know I didn't compete because all those other surfers weren't worth . All of them mediocre"he laughed under his breath for a moment before a crashing wave of serious crawled upon his face in a matter of seconds. Without questioning he soon pressed his hands firmly into the table and leant in towards her causing the tension so rise again . They stared into into each other's eyes , blue on green.
He gave her a signature grin and spoke softly and direct into her ear "but your not ordinary like them , that's why I'm interested you know"
Damn this guy knew how to dramatically increase the temperature of the room as Astrid was quick to think that it suddenly hit 100 degrees. She felt the colour rise in her cheeks slightly probably showing the Haddock boy a beautiful sight of rosey embarrassed red cheeks which he probably hoped to make her feel so she'd be off her game. Astrid tried to laugh it off , slightly shaking her head with a slight giggle . "And don't think I haven't seen all the videos to prove it Astrid Hofferson" he added before pulling away and sinking casually back into his chair .
"Oh I'm not ordinary?" Astrid was quick to question.
"Oh you definitely aren't . I can say that with my hand on my heart" Hiccup quickly insisted and as if too prove this jokingly placed his hands over his heart with his fingers crossed.
She didn't believe him as her mind raced back to that very morning where they first met . "Then why were you calling me ooooh , what's the word ? Amateur? Weak ?" Astrid trailed on counting the words on homer fingers . Determined to prove she right about him . Right about thinking that he was a massive hypocrite. "You called my surfing unprofessional and basic , you jerk ? You can't deny that"
"Oh come on !" He leaned up from his seat with a wide smiling beaming from his lips "it was a joke why ? Can't take one"

Of course Astrid didn't believe this as she started him down "oh I can take a joke believe me , but I just know you meant it" she spoke "your scared . I can see it in your eyes your scared you oh so precious title is going to be taken away from you"

"Can you blame me" Hiccup was quick to interject with a close to bitter tone as he sent a small glare her way "I'm only here to defend my territory . That title has been mine for over two years and I don't want to just let it slip through my fingers" . He liked how tenacious Astrid was and how she wasn't nothing like the other girls she who were constantly asking him for everything from money to some cheeky time in the closet unoccupied secluded spot they could find . But the girl who now sat across from him was not in any way like this . She wanted nothing to do with him . Hell, if there was anything she wanted from him was for him to leave . Hofferson was playing hard to get and Haddock secretly loved it.

And Astrid understood that . She knew what it was like to defend her own territory, after all she didn't want some trash like the Haddock boy to pollute her beloved home of the beach. However she didn't say any of this out loud to him but only only gave him a nod as if to say she understood.
"I just need some time to make sure I really want to do this ... please" she asked.
"I'll give you a week" Hiccup gave in and stood up "but that's it cause you know I've got an extremely busy schedule to keep up with" Hiccup grinned as he spoke with sarcasm leaking out each word . He gave her a quick wink before he made his way to the exit .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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