Chapter 3 - could there be more to life

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After the talk with Eret , the next few days she couldn't stop thinking about the idea of competing in yet another competition so quickly . It seemed a bit daunting to her , she didn't want her life to just be competition after competition.
Astrid has started to realise this couple weeks back as she stayed over sea in the sweet Australian coast. She would continuously listen to the other talented surfers that surrounded her and how they were all practically hungry with ambition to travel the globe and conquer the surfing world.
However Astrid over the last few years had started to distance herself from the very same dream as she started to think that there was more out there.

She couldn't help to let her eyes wonder down from the board that was laid on the worn down table coated in wax as she cleaned to the soft view her was grateful to have from her house down to the beach.
Astrid surveyed as people flocked down to the beach to swim and surf , sun bathe and create their own kingdoms of sand and of course take advantage of the extremely little but loveable little beach cafe for its range of tropical and delicious catering. It brought a soothing smile to her face as watching the scene unfold below her made her remember the easy days of her childhood.
The days she would spend in the sun with her parents on the beach learning to swim , surf and the love and joy her little family could bring her.
She know how much her family idolised her talents and embraced what they'd call a 'surfing gift' .
Even with a childhood filled to the brim with warmth and live she couldn't let the surfing seep through the cracks.

Competitions has seemed to become a second nature to her at this point as she has can remember competing from the age five. But what if right now it was time to stop . Could there be more out there for her.

She's always dreamed of just going. Leaving this small , but yet so deeply loved island to discover the world and explore the places she'd only seen in her dreams or the dull computer screen.

Her thoughts has stated to consume her , but still let her stay in reality as she scraped her hand against her board with her wax comb . Eager to see the white and blue pattern appear fresh and new upon her worn out board.
Astrid and that board has sure quite a journey together .

Her gaze was heavily focused on the work at hand that Astrid was not quick to realise the presence of her friend entering the small workshop garage .
Ruffnut watched her with a grin strapped tightly on her face , her arms crossed against her chest as she quietly swaying her way in .

"So" Ruffnut started , breaking the layer of silence that hung in the air "what you liking about"

Looking away from her board and straight up , Astrid furrowed her eyebrows towards her friend "what do you mean ? Thinking ?" . Ruffnut couldn't help but let the smirk on her face as she could her bestie like a card .
"Please Astrid. I've known you pretty much since we were in nappies" . That remark was quick to let a small laugh seep into the air and quickly permeated as Ruffnut soon caught on . But nonetheless that statement was true . Astrid has practically known Ruff and whole gang pretty much her entire life . "I know what your thinking face is missy" .
Ruff then through her hands towards Astrid gesturing to her face as if to prove her point .
"No you don't . Shut up" Astrid mumbled . She hated that it probably true . She glimpsed down at her board giving it a check. All clean . Well that least that was problem she had been able to fix . Picking the board up from the table after giving it a quick wipe to make the wax had gone and then placing under her arm
Once she has done that Astrid started to
saunter over to Ruff , but trying in way in which her sight would not meet with Ruffs gaze as she knew she was radiating a smug which just said the words ' you know I know so'
"Come on" Ruff told her , leaning out a hand for Astrid to intertwine her spare with which she gladly accepted "let's go".
Even without saying a word of their location they both knew where they were heading . The beach .

On their way down the soft and narrow slope that took them to the hidden beauty of their favourite cove , Ruffnut couldn't help but to question Astrid on what she deeply thinking about earlier.
"I'm going to take a quick guess and say that you've been thinking about Haddock" she wriggled here eyebrows in the iconic creepy Ruffnut way.
"W-what ?" The comment didn't only surprised Astrid but lightly infuriate her . Taking a deep breathe in ,she turned to face her friend "why does everything think that I'm always thinking about is that entitled douche ?"
It was slightly true though . Ever since Eret brought up the possibility of a competition with Hiccup Haddock , it seemed to be the only thing that people wanted to know . Would it happen?
Astrid highly doubted that Hiccup even knew that Astrid was a person. He was probably too busy living his life of luxury without lift a finger .
"I'm not " Astrid was quick to defend herself and desperately beg in her mind for all the competition talk to stop. "For your information"Astrid led on "I've actually been thinking about giving up the whole competition aspect of surfing for awhile" or maybe forever. "And just travel " Astrid took a moment to breathe. It was a good job too as Astrid sudden confession has made Ruff stop in her tracks "Give up surfing ? Are serious ? You can't just -"

"No" Astrid was quick to interject " not give up surfing . I could never . I'm just ... thinking of not competing anymore "

"Oh " The shock in Ruffnuts eyes quickly died down as she took breath in and out " Gods" she giggles " for a moment I thought the salt water has finally started to kill of those brain cells of yours"


"I'm joking" she laughed but Astrid soon caught on to the glimpse of the wild eager look in Ruffnut's eye "but ..." she stared to trail on with as she looked towards her best friend.
"Oh god "Astrid started to mentally prepare herself for the utter nonsense that would tend to come out of her mouth . Last time this happened ruff thought it would be a great idea to set Snoutlout afloat on the water as he slept on inflatable mattress . Of course the idea had been inspired by the recent viewing of the 'Parent trap' the girls has recently decided to binge while having on of their infamous sleepovers . " what now Ruff ? I swear to god I'm not helping you set anything on fire ... again"

Ruffnut puller Astrid closer as their wonder down the path got them closer to the beach paradise that was now only a couple miles away in perfect eyeshot. "Please , I'm just thinking . What about having one last competition ? You know a send off or something" . This thought seemed to sound a bit of a good idea . "And it could even be against the one and only Hiccup" Ruffnuts pitch heightened for a second as if she was some giddy fan girl waiting for the couple she was routing for to get together.
"Please" Astrid rolled her eyes " it's probably not going to happen , so give it a rest" and with that comment she herd her dear friend lean her head back and groan in frustration "ugh" she moped " it's only cause we know you'd definitely kick his ass and it's not like all spoiled brats need one every so often" she could practically hear the smirk growing on Ruffs face as she spoke .
Astrid then proceeded grab onto her friends arm tighter and pulled more towards the beach " can we just talk about this later ?" .
Ruff sympathised "sure , I'll drop it for now" she then teased but also gave Astrid a reassuring smile .
"Good"Astrid smiled " Cause I can hear the beach calling out for us surf and not talk about stupid boys"
And with that the girls had the same idea . Both unhooked their arm from one another and sprint down , crashing their toes into the warm , golden sand.
Right now the only thing that mattered was the fact they needed to have fun and nothing else mattered.

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