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Now let's learn half-consonants

Lets see an example first

क् + क = क्क (kk) as in पक्का (sure) [pakka]

so to understand this in an easy way the English equivalent of half-consonants can be double letters and also when there are two consonants without any vowel

like street in English
same त्याग - tyaag (sacrifice)
[there is no vowel sound after त ]

like matter, batter , sunny , fell , hall etc

lets see more some examples and then we will learn the half-consonants of all the व्यंजन (vyanjan)

ब + च् +च +आ = बच्चा (bacchaa - child)
र + आ + ज् + य = राज्य (kingdom, nation)

क्क ख्ख ग्ग घ्घ
च्च छ्छ ज्ज झ्झ ञ्ञ
ट्ट ठ्ठ ड्ड ढ्ढ ण्ण
त्त थ्थ द्द ध्ध न्न प्प फ्फ ब्ब भ्भ म्म
य्य र्र ल्ल व्व श्श ष्ष स्स ह्ह
क्ष्क्ष त्र्त्र ज्ञ्ज्ञ श्र्श्र

if you have any doubts comment below :)

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