Chapter Eight

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I woke up in the night and yawned, I quickly located my Torchlight and checked the time, it was past 12, I yawned again and rubbed my stomach with my left hand.

I stood up and yawned again, I walked to the door and heard my aunt's voice in the parlor, it was obvious that she was on the phone. I paused and decided to eavesdrop.

"She's asleep". I heard her say and that indicated that they were talking about me.
"No, I got it all covered, she doesn't know you're the one, we'll take her down soon, she feels growing up in France is an achievement". She said.

My heart raced.
"Sorry, I can't hear you, let me increase the volume". She said and I could tell that it was a man she was talking to.

I couldn't really pinpoint the voice but it was definitely familiar.
"Her mother's a bitch, I've always envied her even though she's my blood sister". She said.
"If I may ask, why?" The man asked.

"She's got everything, a handsome man, a great job, a beautiful grown-up daughter almost finishing her secondary school and I'm just a cheap prostitute". She answered.

I could understand her pain but she never asked for help, my mother would help her.

"Life isn't fair, I remembered when I killed someone at first, I couldn't get over it, I was traumatized that I couldn't do anything for a whole week but now I kill people with no fear". He said and my heart beat increased rapidly, I wanted to leave the house immediately but there was no where to run to, the next day was Sunday.

"I'm still wondering if I should kill Toni now". My aunt said.
Suddenly, she walked to the kitchen and I couldn't hear what he replied her. I trembled and shivered.

I quickly locked my door and called Charles on my phone. "Pick up". I mumbled as it rang. He didn't pick, I called him again and he picked.

"Charles". I said and didn't realize that I had started crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?". He asked
"Charles, my aunt wants to kill me, she's a murderer". I answered with tears in my eyes.

"What?". He asked shocked. "Don't leave the house, just stay in your bedroom and sleep". He added.
"Sleep?". I asked rhetorically almost shouting. "I can't even blink or close my eyes, she's probably on her way here with a knife in her hand to kill me". I added.

She knocked on my door and my heart raced, I quickly cut the line and switched off my phone, I hid it under the bed and cleaned my eyes.
"I gave a spare key here, I'll open this door". She warned.

I heard the jingles of her key outside the door and I laid on the bed pretending to be asleep.
A minute later, I heard the door open slowly and I heard footsteps behind me, she was obviously in the room. I prayed in my mind that she wasn't trying to kill me.

"The witch is even asleep, I won't kill you now, you're to go to jail, that's the plan so I'll stick with it". She said and laughed. Then she left and I heard the door close. I quickly jumped up and tiptoed to the door. I locked it immediately.

I woke up and yawned, it was already Sunday, my aunt didn't like going to church so we stayed at home and I didn't blame, why will a demon go to church?.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth and had a quick bath. I didn't even use soap, I was scared and imagined different things. I came out of the bathroom and was shocked to see my aunt in my room.

"Give me some privacy, please". I said.
"Privacy?" She asked and chuckled. "Do you realize that this is my house?" She asked.

"And this is also my room, don't forget that". I answered.
"Fine, I'll leave your room". She said.
"Wait". I called her back. "What were you doing in my room?" I asked.
"Nothing, I just came to check on you". She answered and left hurriedly.

My phone rang and I picked it immediately. "Hello Charles".
"I'm at the door, we need to talk". He said and cut the line.
I carried my phone and went out of the house.

"Hey". I said as I saw him.
"You don't go to church, do you?" He asked.
"I used to but my aunt said I shouldn't go anymore". I answered.
"I'm supposed to be in the church now but I sneaked out just to talk to you". He said and I smiled.

"Thanks, why didn't you talk to me on Friday?" I asked.
"I can't talk to you in school, please forgive me but I'm going to pretend to hate you in school, you'll also have to pretend that you hate me". He answered.

"But I can't, I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone and one more thing I can't lie". I said.

"I'm talking about your future here, if you want evidence that will make you free and send the murderers to jail". He said.
"Murderers?" I asked surprised.
"Yes, they're more than one". He answered.

"And how do you know?" I asked.
"I'm gathering evidence and I already know the murderer, just one of them and that's the male, there's a female".
"Who's the male?" I asked.

"I can't tell you yet, keep looking for evidence that will actually prove your innocence and follow my instructions". He answered.

"Ok, I will". I said and my aunt yelled my name from inside. I turned towards the door and shouted "I'm coming".

Immediately I turned back, he was gone. I looked behind me, no one was there. He left without a good bye.

I walked into the house, my aunt wasn't in the parlor so I went to unplug her phone from where she plugged it, I wanted to get the name of who she talked to last night.

I opened her phone and went to her contacts, the whole list was cleared, no missed calls, no dialed number.

Just then, I heard her footsteps behind me. "What are you doing with my phone?" She asked and my heart raced.

To be continued

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