Chapter Fifteen

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"Lillian, you've overstayed your welcome here, you should go". Mom said and Lillian looked at me.
"You little brat, it isn't over yet, you're going to go to jail". She warned.
"Do you realize you're threatening my daughter?" Dad asked. "And also poisoning her mind that I married your sister because she was already pregnant". He added.

"It's the truth". She replied and walked out of the house. Mom closed the door quickly and started shedding tears, she managed to hold back the tears when my aunt was here, she was indeed a wonderful mother.
"It's alright, you don't have to cry again".

My phone rang and I picked it up, it was Charles who was calling, I hurriedly picked it up as I beamed with Joy.
"Hi Toni". He softly said with his cute and calm voice.
"I've just been bailed out of jail".
"How? When?" He asked confused.
"Yesterday afternoon, my aunt and Mr Douglas probably connived to have me jailed and they almost succeeded". I answered.

"Then they might be the murderers". He said and I chuckled.
"My aunt can't betray me besides where is she supposed to know Mr Douglas from?". I asked and laughed again.
"Believe me, I'm certain Mr Douglas is the murderer, I sneaked into the female hostel one day and found a letter, the contents was shocking and it was from Mr Douglas, he wrote the letter to the deceased".

"What was the content of the letter?" I asked.
"He raped her and he was apologizing, then he promised that he won't hurt her if she didn't tell her but he would kill her if she talked". He answered and my heart raced.
"Why didn't you tell me or at least show me the letter?" I asked annoyed.
"I didn't want to raise your hope of finding the murderer, I wasn't sure he wasn't the one".

"I recalled Lucy's mother saying she feared men and had low self esteem, she even begged for Mr Douglas to stop teaching her".
"Where did you hear this?".
"Her mother came to see me". I answered. "From what you said, it's clear, Mr Douglas raped her and threatened her, then there's a probability she must have told someone and he must have heard, then he murdered her and dumped her body in the trash can". I added.

"But how does my aunt have to do with this?". I asked.

"I don't know, I guess you should figure that out on your own". He advised.
"Call me later, I'm going to school". I replied.
"Going to school?". He asked surprised.
"School's supposed to be the last place you'd be right now, if our instincts are correct, your life might be in danger". He said. "I'll be coming back on Saturday, I can't wait any longer, I have to be there to protect you". He added. I could sense fear in his voice.

"I have to go". I replied and hung up. I looked at my mom who smiled at me, I wondered if the only thing she knew how to do to me is to smile.
"I bought something from a restaurant while coming". She said and brought out something covered in a black nylon, when she brought it out, I almost screamed.

"What's this disgusting thing in front of me?" I asked her confused.
She looked at her husband and they both laughed.
"It's Pounded Yam and Egusi soup". She answered.
"Pounded Yam? Was the yam pounded?" I asked and she laughed.
"Of course".
"Where do you Nigerians find all these crazy stuffs from?".
"You're also a Nigerian, you should eat this, it's really delicious". She said and I frowned.

"But it looks like......"
She cut in immediately. "Forget about what it looks like sweetheart, the taste is the difference".
"Mom, I can't eat this yet, I don't want anything that will make me sick, I'll get used to eating this soon". I replied
"There's nothing in this house, we just came so there's no foodstuffs, I already sent our neighbor to buy something for us in the market".

"Toni". Dad called me and I looked at him. "Eat that food when you get back or we'll force you to eat it". He said and I frowned.
"That's child abuse". I reminded and they both laughed.
"In Africa, practically Nigeria, we call it discipline". Dad replied.
"Let's go, I have some unfinished business with this Mr Douglas who tried to send you to jail based on false evidence".

We walked out of the house and I stood at the right hand side of the car as my mom locked the house and ordered me to enter the car as she did same.
Dad started the car's engine and drove off. The drive was peaceful, my parents didn't even talk, it was like they were having a misunderstanding before they came to Nigeria.

"Nigeria's a beautiful county". Mom observed breaking the country.
"After everything is over, I'm going back to France to school there, I don't have any reason to school here"
"If you say so, I might reconsider and take you back with us to France". Dad said and I nodded. He drove into the school compound and we parked.

We came down from the car and mom looked at me, she could feel that I wasn't that happy daughter that she knew in France, we headed to the principal's office and we saw him, Mr Douglas was talking to the principal in an harsh manner.

"Good Afternoon ma'am". The principal greeted.
"There's no need for greetings". My mom said and frowned. "I will never forget what this school has done to my daughter". She added.
"This school is only doing it's job, you should understand that a student was murdered here, investigations were carried on and the murderer turned out to be your daughter". Mr Douglas said and my dad slapped him immediately.

I was shocked, I looked at Mr Douglas, he was fuming with anger and raised his hands to slap my father.....

To be continued ❤️
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