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I was rushing around trying to get ready as Steph would be here in five minutes.
I curled my hair and tucked my fringe behind my ear. I was wearing my black dress and black shoes. I finished applying my eyeliner and red lipstick and I was ready.
My parents were both at work and wouldn't be finishing till late so I had to make sure I locked up.

The doorbell rung and straight away I knew it was Steph.
'Hey ... GIRLLL you look fab!' She clapped her hands.

'Thankyou! You don't look too bad yourself love!!' I smiled.

We got in the car and Steph sat in between me and Charlie.

'Hey Amelia' he smiled
'Hey Charlie'

His smile seemed much less cocky than usual and he looked very smart. Both him and Steph looked so cute together.
Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

'Hii Amelia'
Barclay turned around in the front seat and gave me a smile before we drove away to the party.

I thought these boys were supposed to be cocky and ignorant not sweet boys.

We finally arrived at the party which was located at this house.

'Whos house is this?' I asked as we stepped in the door and there were quite a few people in there at this point but not too many that you couldn't see where you were going.

'Jake's' she smiled.

Steph stayed with me the whole time which then meant that Charlie stayed with me too. I didn't wanna hold them back from having fun though so I just told them I'd be fine.

'Look you two can go, I will be ok honestly'

'Are you sure?' Steph asked sounding concerned.

'I don't wanna take Steph away from you Amelia, I must be really getting on your nerves right now' he smiled apologetically.

I felt bad for all my horrible thoughts about him being popular and snobby but maybe he wasn't the bad guy what I thought he was.

'Honestly I'm sure, just go' I giggled at how concerned they both sounded.

I did the right thing though because now I had the choice to either spend this night alone just stood there or I could mingle.
I decided to go and get a drink which of course everything was alcoholic. I carefully made my way through the crowds which were now of course gradually getting bigger, then to my surprise a boy came up to me and introduced himself.

'Hey' he said, holding a drink. His hair was almost like a bleach blonde colour whether it was natural or not it looked quite hot and it was gelled up into a quiff.
That's when I recognise him. He was one of the boys from the lads that James and Charlie hangs out with.

'Ive seen you before, who are you?' I asked trying not to sound rude.

'I'm Reece, I'm in your English class, you're Amelia!' he smiled.

'Ohh yeah you are as well and yep you got it' I laughed at my own stupidity.

How did I not remember, I know the class is quite big I just guess I never took much notice of the populars because I didn't think they really took notice of me but he knows my name.

I picked up one of the plastic cups that was obviously filled with some sort if alcohol and took a sip, not realising now strong it was.

'Strong right?' Reece grinned.

'Just a bit' I said slightly disgusted with the drink.

I looked down at the floor awkwardly. I found it kinda uncomfortable talking to one of the popular lads because the rumours about them were never good.

'You don't ...really ...like us ..do you?' He weakly smiled, pausing between each word.

'No no it's not that' I smiled.
'Its just..'

'Rumours?' He finished my sentenced.

'Yeah' I sighed.

'But you guys seem great, I'm just not cool enough to be around any of you I guess' I shrugged my shoulders.

'Well I think you're grand' he grinned and walked off into the living room to see Jake, the boy who's house this was.

I was trying to figure out which one was Jake so I kinda spied on Reece as he strolled off and then I saw who Jake was. I've never really spoken to him to be honest and the things I've heard about him aren't too pretty but his house is great I must say.

'Party starting in here lads and lasses!!' Someone called, it was that Casey dude James was on about. He was hot I'm not gonna lie but James was right about him chatting up all the girls. One minute he was with this red head girl then he was with a blonde girl the next and putting his hands around her waist. What a joke.

Where the hell was James at?

I spotted Steph and Charlie next to Jake who was stood next to what seemed to be a DJ and I wandered off over there, that's when I suddenly felt a pair of warm hands around my waist.

'What the..'

'Oh hey James' I blushed.

'Heyy Amelia, you showed up then!' He smirked.
'Couldnt resist me could ya?'

'Ohh shut up. No I came to spend time with my best friend actually but she's too busy with Charlie and I'm not getting in the way of them.' I smiled.

'Well aren't you a good little friend' he winked.
I flipped my blonde hair back as if to sarcastically say 'yeah I'm fab.'

'Come on let's go and see Steph and the guys' he put his hand lower on my back as we walked in. This didn't feel right. I didn't want to like him touching me but it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. I shouldn't be falling for him at all but I was.

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