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I woke up next to James but he looked so peaceful I didn't wanna wake him so I quietly got up and ran downstairs to see if my parents were home.

'Mum? Dad?' I called out as I wandered into every room. No one was home. Great. But at least I had James.
I checked the time and it was 10:00am.
Parents must be at work by now.

I sprinted back upstairs to find James finally awake, sat up watching tv.

'Morning babe' I jumped back on the bed as James pulled me in for a hug.

'Morning love' he replied.

'What do you wanna do today?' He asked as I scrolled down my twitter feed.

'I don't know, how about we ask Steph and the lads if they wanna hang out somewhere?' I suggested.

'Good idea babe, text Steph if you like and ask her' he said in his morning voice, wrapping his arms around me.

'Hey Steph
Me and James were wondering if you and the lads wanted to do something today?
Amelia xx'

It wasn't long before she replied with:

'Hey Amelia
Charlie got a text from Tom and he said we all have to meet at his place in an hour so meet us at his at 11:00:) He's got something to tell us and I don't know whether it's good or bad so yeah sure we can hang out then:))
Steph xxx'

'James, Steph said that Tom texted Charlie and told him that we all have to meet at his place in an hour so at 11:00' I explained to James who had now got up out of bed.

'What for?' He rubbed his eyes.

'I don't know, Steph said apparently Tom needs to tell us something.'

'Shit. Should we be worried?' James but his lip.

'I have no clue. But I'm gonna go and have a shower and get ready, do you need to get ready?' I asked.

'Yeah sure babe I'll have a quick shower after you, I brought a spare pair of clean clothes with me.' He pointed as he looked proud of himself for being prepared.

'Oh ain't you a well prepared boy' I laughed as he pulled me on top of his and starting kissing my neck.

'Right I need to get ready. Gonna have a shower be right back'
I strolled off into my bathroom ready to have a shower. Letting the hot water run down my skin as loads of thoughts rushed through my mind.

Most of the morning I've been home alone with the boy I love. Is this what it'd be like if me and James actually lived together? Because if so, I could live like this everyday.

James' POV

After we had both finished getting showered and ready, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful Amelia looked.
She looked so casual but so stunning at the same time. I'm glad that I'm able to call her mine.

When we were done, I called Barclay so that he could come and pick us up to take us to Tom's.

'Hey Barclay' I smiled as I opened the car door, letting Amelia go in first.

'Hey guys' he answered.

'Hii' Amelia said after I had gotten in the car, sitting next to her and holding her hand. We couldn't go anywhere without doing this, even if we were gonna be in the car for like five minutes we always seemed to hold hands.

'Do you have any idea what Tom wants to tell us?' I asked, curiously.

'I do actually and in fact we both thought of it and I think you'll all like it. A lot' I saw Barclay smile at us through the wing mirror.

'Cool' I smirked.

I had no clue. None of us did apart from Tom and Barclay. What the hell had they planned?

But of a boring short chapter because I wanna put the surprise that Tom and Barclay tells them, in the next chapter.

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