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Amelia's POV

I woke up in James' house on his lap. He was sat there running his fingers through my long blonde hair.

'What happened?' I quickly sat up, not really remembering what went on.

'You got a bit drunk and passed out' James slightly laughed.

'Its not funny' I groaned.

'No babe you're right it's not. It's just you never do stuff like that. It's funny. Don't worry, everyone went home, Steph went back to Charlie's, Barclay and Tom got too drunk and had to go home. I think I'm alright though. How you feeling?' He asked.

'Well I'm feeling fine to be honest. I don't even remember what happened. I just remember you holding me' I blushed.

'Oh yeah' he smiled.

'Look do you wanna stay round mine tonight, I'll go on the sofa if you wanna go in my bed'

'Sure I'll stay round, but no you go in your bed I'll go on the sofa' I smiled.

He held my hand and ran off up the stairs, leading me behind him.

We reached the top and we got in his room.

'We can cuddle in my bed tonight' he offered.

'I'd love to'
I agreed.

The thought of laying next to James made me smile and feel safe.
Maybe everything that happened at at school with him hanging out with those girls was nothing. And perhaps he really did care.

'You can just use my shirt to sleep in if you want... If you wanna wear anything that is' he winked.

'James' I playfully smacked him.
'And I'll borrow the shirt thanks' I smiled, walking off into his bathroom to change.

I took off my dress and folded it up, putting James' shirt on which smelt of him and I liked that. I put my hair up in a loose messy bun with the hair band I always seem to wear on my wrist wherever I go. And off I went back into James' room who was led in his bed topless.

I stood there staring a bit too long and he clearly noticed as his smirk didn't disappear.

'Like what you see eh?'

'Oh um no. Course not' I teased. Jumping into the bed and laying next to James as he put the tv on.

'You know I'm sorry don't you' he whispered in my ear.

'yeah. And you're forgiven by the way' I replied, smiling to myself.

'It just feels like you're ashamed to be seen with me around school because..'

'What?! Why?' He interrupted.

'Because I'm not one of those perfect girls'

'You're better than them. And who said they're perfect? You're my kind of perfect' he looked into my eyes after I turned away from the tv and around to face him.

'But those girls follow you everywhere and...'

Before I could say anymore he pressed his lips to mine. We shared a passionate kiss for a while before he finally said.

'I love you'

'I love you too' I smiled, putting my arms around him bringing his body closer, laying my head on his chest.

Steph's POV

After everyone went home James took Amelia back to his after she got a bit drunk and passed out.
I wasn't feeling too good either to be honest and I think I nearly passed out. We all got a bit drunk apart from Charlie, James and Reece.

I went back to Charlie's place because I didn't wanna go back home and tell my parents, they'd probably go mad at me for getting drunk so I just texted my mum and told her I was staying at Charlie's.
Knowing them my parents would probably think me and Charlie were gonna get up to something.

I went straight up to his room like he offered and he went to get us some drinks and snacks, slowly following behind.

'Lets have a movie night' Charlie clapped.
'Yeah and let's see how long we can stay up for' I smiled.

'Even though we'll probably regret it' I laughed.

'True but it's worth it. It's worth staying up with you all night' he wrapped his arms around my waist and embraced me in a hug.

'I love you Steph, you know that right' he said as he lifted me onto his lap and kissed my neck.

'Well I love you too Charlie' I laid back and rested my head on his body as we sat watching the film Grown Ups. Charlie wanted to watch a horror but tonight was not one of the nights.

'Tomorrow do you think we should have a double date with James and Amelia' Charlie asked.

'Thats a great idea, shall I text her now and ask? Because then maybe tomorrow morning me and Amelia can go shopping and pick out cute outfits together. We haven't done that in a long time so it would be nice to have a girly morning before going on dates with our favourite boys' I suggested.

'Sounds like a plan, plus we have a day off school tomorrow so should be fun. It's gonna be amazing in the half term. We can all hang out like everyday.' Charlie sounded happy.

I liked it when me and him just hung out at his place, just us two alone, relaxing. But I did like hanging out with Amelia and the other lads too because it made me happy that both me and my best friend had boys we loved. I'm just relieved that James and Amelia are.. Well I'd say friends again but they're a bit more than friends now. In fact they were probably getting a bit too close right at this moment.

Another boring chapter from me weyhey:)

No but seriously I went to create a new chapter and I actually thought my whole book had deleted:(((
I'm not really sure about this story, I was gonna delete and start again but I'm not sure.
Opinions? xx

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