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Amelia's POV

Monday finally arrived and I was dreading it but at the same time I was curious. I was curious because I wanted to find out whether James would stay with me at school all day or go back to his popular friends.

Of course I didn't expect him to ditch the rest of the boys but all those girls hanging around him would make me feel uncomfortable. Especially after everything he had told me and that asked me to be his girlfriend. This is all just happening too quick.

I didn't see him all morning at school, I just stayed with Steph, Charlie, Reece and Chris. I presumed that the rest of the boys were with James somewhere. Break time came and I still couldn't find him anywhere.
That's when I saw Casey all over this girl. Thinking nothing of it I looked over and saw James, Tom, Jake and Barclay stood next to him... followed by a large group of girls.

What the hell. He told me that he'd stay with me all day at school or at least he wouldn't ditch me for those bitches but no he lied didn't he.

I've made a huge mistake trusting him again. One time a few years ago he was alright, but I guess since he's changed, that's how he's staying. A complete jerk. His 5 minute kindness has disappeared.

All break time I was silent, dreading music class next because I'd probably have to work with James.

'Whats wrong Amelia, you've been acting quiet all break' Chris asked.

Without saying anything I just pointed.

'Oh my god. Not again. He said he'd stop' Chris covered his face with his hands.

'Look Mils, at least he's not actually paying that much attention to them. I know he likes you. All morning he didn't stop talking about you' Chris reassured me.

'Oh' I looked at the floor, kinda sad that he was telling Chris all this great stuff about me and him hanging out and then break times arrives and he stays with the popular girls.

I still wasn't convinced. I didn't wanna see James' face. Clearly he was favouring them over me and the fact that I actually trusted him again shows that he's broken that.

I said bye to my friends, Steph and Charlie walked off to lesson hand in hand. I wish me and James were like that, it's almost like he's ashamed to be seen with me, like I'm a nobody. To be honest I'd be ashamed to be seen with those girls he hangs around with. Just my opinion.

Charlie isn't ashamed to be seen with Steph because he loves her and she loves him.
Why isn't James like that?

I got in the class and sat where I usually sit in music. My music class isn't very big and everyone is really nice but I guess this would have been the first time me and James would sit together in music and actually enjoy it. But no he's been an idiot again so it's just gonna be a normal lesson where we don't talk.

He walked in the class looking guilty and disappointed in himself.

He sat next to me but I completely ignored him. I focused on the board at the front but I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eye.
Under the table he grabbed my hand but I quickly let go.

When the class got noisier he started talking to me so no one could hear our conversation above the noise.

'Look Amelia I'm sorry I'm just used to hanging out with them. Those girls mean nothing and you have to know that' James began.

'Why should I believe you?' I finally looked at him.

'You like those fake girls because you crave their attention. I try and forgive you for being a jerk and you just do it all over again'

'No honestly we have to talk. If you don't want me to hang out with you at lunch then fine ok. But meet me later, I'll text you where and when' he weakly smiled, trying to get me to forgive him once again.

It was so hard to be mad at him because I honestly did have feelings for him but why should I keep on giving him chances that he's just gonna blow.

Maybe I will meet him later, I wanna see what he has to say for himself.



Guys this chapter is awful I know, but I've got a plan so I had to write this for what's gonna happen later on in the story:)

Thanks for the reads and votes!

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