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A few hours later and the music was blasting out and people were necking back drinks like their lives depended on it.
People were starting to leave as they were throwing up and I felt even more awkward stood next to James as Charlie and Steph began to share a passionate kiss. Everything was making me feel so uncomfortable tonight, but the only thing that was actually ok, was James.
'Do you wanna go outside and get some fresh air?' James offered.
I nodded as we walked out for a bit.

Why was he being so nice for?
Sweet and sensitive?
This wasn't the normal James, and it certainly wasn't like the James that all the girls chase because no girls seemed to be coming up to him tonight which I guess was a good sign.

Outside there was someone throwing up constantly and James shouted over to him, 'Tom, mate you alright?'

'You know him?' I asked.
'Yeah it's my friend Tom, hangs out with us lads' he waved his hand for me to follow him over to the vomiting boy.

'Yeah man I'll be fine I just need to get myself home' Tom said, holding his stomach. Slowly standing up.

'And who might this be' he asked.
'Im Amelia' I smiled.

'Oh are you the girl James has pulled tonight ayee?' He winked.

'No no no' I said and looked at the pair of them in horror.
James shook his head.

'Amelia would you mind staying here two seconds with Tom while I get the others to come out and help take Tom home'

'Yeah sure that's fine' I replied as I stood there uncomfortably with a boy I had never really met before. I must have only ever really saw him round school I guess but I didn't recognise him to be honest.

As James called out Steph, the rest of them followed. Charlie, Casey, Jake, Chris, Reece and Barclay.

They all rushed over to Tom and put him in Casey's car. Casey drove home taking Chris, Reece and Tom with him as they all said bye.

Jake said bye to us and went back in his house.

'Good luck with when your parents get home' James shouted out over to him, laughing.

'Thanks loser' he said back in his strong Bristol accent.

Me, James, Charlie and Steph all got in Barclay's car and he drove us all home.

James sat in the front with Barclay and again I sat in the back next to Steph, I noticed Charlie kept giving her kisses every now and then and I found it kinda awkward so I just stared out of the window. That's when I noticed James pulling funny faces at me through the wing mirror to make me laugh.
'Whats so funny' Barclay said.

'Nothing.' Me and James said in sync which made it even more obvious and Steph turned to me and smirked.

'You two are getting rather close' Charlie spoke.

'We're most definitely not' I folded my arms.

'Pfttt.. yeah... ha... course... not' James lied. But in theory we both knew we kinda were starting to get close again. And I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.



Sorry for the short chapter guys, my other two were quite long so I decided to make this a bit shorter and start on the next one.

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