Chapter 2

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Abrigal POV:
    It's switching period. I'm supposed to meet Asia and Kay by the lockers but I don't see them. As I'm walking to our next class I see Kayla talking to the upper class, she's such a hoe. Don't get me wrong, I love Kayla with all my heart but she's a big hoe. I yell out her name to get her attention but she doesn't hear me so I walk up to her and the boys she was talking to.

me: Kayla !
Kayla: oh hey girl.
me: hey..who are they ? *I say as I look both guys up and down*
Kayla: oh this is Jake & this is his friend Dre.
Dre & Jake: hey.
me: hi..Kayla let's go we're gonna be late.
Kayla: okay well bye guys.

I yanked Kayla away before they could say anything back to her. We walk to class without Ke'Asia but then Kayla taps my arm and points a direction. I look to where she's pointing and I see Ke'Asia talking to a guy that looked way older than us and she was giggling and smiling. He handed her his phone and then she handed it back to him with a smirk on her face.

After talking to this mystery guy, she walks our direction and meet us by the classroom door.

Kayla: mmm girl what was that ?
Ke'Asia: a junior just gave me his number.
me: yeah we seen that part.
Kayla: what else happened ?
Ke'Asia: I'll tell y'all when we get home.

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