Chapter 21

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Tears filled my eyes. I'm confused. If 2+2 is 4 and 5+5 is is this ? How the hell-
I didn't respond.
I didn't respond.
"Ke'Asia !"
"Hm ?"
"What are we going to do ?"
"We need to- I have to-.."
I had no answer for to that question. I can't keep this baby 🥺. I can't. I just can't.
"Kae I can't 😔."
"You can't what ?"
"I can't keep this baby."
"Kae come on."
"No bruh you got me fucked up."
"I need to go."
"Where ? You not aborting my baby Asia."
"I'm doing what I wanna do."
"Yeah ight. You gone carry my child til the end."
"Bye Kaevyon."
I grabbed my purse.
"Bae wait."
"Kae I'm not keeping this baby."
"At least think about it. Think about how we can have a family."
"Think about me not being able to see you dumbass...I'm not keeping the baby."
I fell. It's dark.

"KE'ASIA !" I heard Kae yell.
"Hm ?"
"Baby get up."
"My head hurt."
"Yeah yo ass just passed out."
I sat up in his bed. How did I get here ? I don't remember walking in here. Oh shit. I'm naked.
"Why I'm naked ?"
"Bc you was sweating and I thought you was hot."
He pointed behind me to pillow that had a body print on.
" Yeah. You wanna get something to eat or you just wanna go home ?"
"No I wanna stay here and sleep."
My fucking head hurt. Passing out is unusual..I never passed out before. I need to go to the doctor 🤦🏽‍♀️.

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