Chapter 25

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Today is Kae birthday 🤪. He finally grown 😭. I hope he don't drink tonight bc I'm not helping his drunk ass get home 😑. Ohh and a week ago made me 39 weeks. 3 days ago I turned 40 weeks and I'm expecting to go in labor anytime soon 🥰.
"What Kaevyon ?"
"Gimme kiss before I leave."
"Where you going ?"
"Out with the boys."
"Kae it's 10 am where the fuck y'all going ?"
"Ke don't do this."
"Do what ? I just wanna know where y'all going at 10 o'clock in the morning."
"Bae idk they just said we going somewhere."
"Ok whatever Kae."
I rolled my eyes.
"Unt un you know ima come home and we gone fuck all night."
"You promise ?"
We kissed and then he left 😕.


Since Kae hung out with his friends I hung out with his mom 😭.
"Noo he went out with Quan and Tae."
"Man he sucks. You wanna make a cake for him ?"
"Yeah which one ?"
"He yo boyfriend you pick."
"You think he'll like chocolate ?"
"Girl- he'll love it."
We laughed. It feels like I have to pee really bad. I looked at Kae's mom and she looked worried.
"Ke'Asia are you okay ?"
I shook my head no. I took a step towards her. **SPLASH**. Water dripped down my legs. It's a lot of water. "Oh shit." Kae's mom said. Her are wide open.
"What's going on ?"
"Ok look ima need you to stay a calm as possible. Your water just broke."
"Just stay calm ima go get your bags and call Kaevyon then we're gonna go to the hospital. Ok ?"
I stood in this wet puddle. I can't believe this is happening right now. I'm about to have a baby. Shit ! My stomach hurts. I dropped to my knees. I could cry. Uggh my stomach hurts.

I called Kae to let him know.
"What's up ?"
"My water broke."
"Right now ?"
**Voice breaks**
"Yes Kaevyon. You need to come home."
"Ok I'm otw."
I started taking deep breaths to help the contractions. His mom came back downstairs with all our hospital stuff .
"Oh shit. You get your contractions ?"
I shook my head yes.
"Come on he didn't answer his phone so we just gone go."
"I called him. He's coming."
"Okay let's get you in the car."
I stood up for 2 seconds before she had to catch me. It hurts to stand or walk. I limped all the way to the door. Kae jumped out his car and came to the door where we was at.
"Y'all stuff in my car. Ima drive behind y'all."
"Ight. Bae how you feel ?"
"Kae ju- please get in me that car."
Kae helped me get in the car and we drove off.

To Be Continued 💙.

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