Chapter 4

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Ke'Asia POV:

Wow a nigga really just gave me his number, what a playa. He a junior too the only thing he was is sex. We rode the bus home today and Kayla and Gabby are dying to know what happened between me and the nigga from earlier.

Kayla: so you gonna tell us now ?
me: yeah I guess
Abrigal: so.?

I tell them everything that happened in art class and they looked like 3 y/o's when you wave a piece of candy in their face.

Abrigal: wait so he randomly called you out ?
me: yeah, weird right ?
Kayla: do he have cute homeboys ?
Abrigal: bitch-
Kayla: what ? shit if she getting the hook up
I want it too.

We started laughing. When I go home I went in my room and laid down until my phone buzzed with a text from Kae.

Maybe: Kaevyon


yeah..who this ?

Kae from art class😭

oh heyy😂

lmao wyd ?

nothing, wbu ?

do you talk to someone ?

no but why are you asking ? 🤔..

Because maybe I wanna take you out.

to where ?

We'll talk about that when I see ..can I pull up on you ?

sure..hold up

I gave Kae my address and when he came over we talked more and more. I told him about my mom and almost my whole life but not too personal. He told me about him living with his mom and other stuff about his life.

Hey guys, this chapter is short but I promise the next chapter is gonna be longer, I'm just thinking of ideas and ways to make the story interesting for y'all. I hope y'all like these 2 chapters it's gets juicer, stay tuned to find out ❤️.

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