Chapter 23

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"Why are you yelling ?"
"I'm tired of keeping my baby a secret Ke'Asia."
"Ok Kaevyon. I'm gone tell her when I get ready."
"What ?"
"Tell her today."
"No. That's too- no."
"It's too what ? Why you keeping her a secret ?"
He choked me.
"Who you yelling @ ?"
"Kae move I'm not in the mood at all."
"You wanna go home ?"
"Yes please."
He took me home. Nana car is outside. Oh lawd. I hope I'm not showing.

I walked in and Nana was washing the dishes.
"Hey Keke how was your weekend ?"
"Hey Nana, it was good."
No it wasn't I found out I'm pregnant.
"That's good to hear. I need help cooking so go wash your hands."
"Yes ma'am."

I tried to wash my hands with the soap but it made me throw up. Blackness occurred next.

Gabby shook me up.
"What ? What Gabby ? What ?"
"Are you pregnant ?"
Tears formed in my eyes. I don't want to tell my little sister I'm pregnant but, this is my best friend 🤦🏽‍♀️.
"Keke wtf."
"Ik. I messed up. I'm keeping her."
"Omg it's a her ? I'm having a niece ?"

I heard Gabby voice fade away. I passed out again.


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. YOUR A DISGRACE. YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER." My grandmother yelled at me. 30 minutes ago I was forced to tell her. A pregnancy test was shoved in my hand. I wasn't gonna pretend like I didn't know I was pregnant so I told her straight up. And obviously she didn't take it so well 🤦🏽‍♀️.

would like to FaceTime...

🔴 🟢

"Hey bab-mamas what's wrong ?"
"I told her and now she's kicking me out."
I let a few more tears fall down my face.
"Shit. Ight you got your stuff packed ?"
"I'm on my way."
"Okay bubba."
I wiped the tears off my face while forcing more clothes in my bag. Gabby sat on her bed and watched me.
"Keke why you do this ?"
"Do what ?"
"Why'd you get pregnant ?"
"Gabby I didn't do "this" on purpose. I didn't ask to-"
My phone rung. It was Kae.
"Hold on."
"I'm outside. You need help ?"
"Yes just come get my suit case."
"I'm coming."
The phone disconnected.
"Keke your making a big mistake. You should just get a abortion and we can move on with life."
I starred at the clothes in my suit case for a second trying to figure out what this dumb bitch just said to me.
"What ?"
"What you mean what ?"
"Did you just tell me to get a abortion ? Did mom abort me ? Did mom abort you ? No. So shut the fuck up and don't worry about me."
Me and Gabby starred at each other. I felt a part of my heart break into pieces. I felt my face get hot and tear fill my eyes. I can't believe my own sister told me to abort my baby. Her niece. I thought she was happy for me 🥺.
Kae broke the silence.
"Hmm ?"
"Are you ready ? I got everything in the car."
"Oh damn ok. Let's go."

I walked passed my grandma in the kitchen. "Get out and don't come back." She said to me. I felt the other part of my heart shatter. My grandmother is disowning me 😔. I never wanted to hurt her. I didn't get pregnant on purpose. My baby wasn't a mistake either.

I walked out the front door. I turned around to a door being slammed in my face. Damm. Tears raced down my face. This pain is a different feeling. I walked to the car where Kae waited for me. I looked at him then back into my lap. "They don't love me anymore." I said. Kae hugged me. I cried on his shoulder but that's not what I was looking for.

Before I knew it we was back at Kae house and i fell asleep with his body between my legs and his head on my stomach. Is this my new life ? A teen mom ? No family ? A baby ?

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