The End 💔

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**3 Hours Ago**

We made it to the hospital. They gave me some medicine for my contractions but, I felt pressure on my butt. Like I had to poop. We called in my nurse and she said I was 10 cms. It was time to push. Already ? The doctor came in and I tried to push 6 times and then we took a break. He came back a hour later..nothing. We did that every hour until now. She's finally coming.

"Her head is out we just need to get her body out. Do a really big push for me."
I have no energy. I feel weak.
"I feel like going to sleep ."
"Do not go to sleep."
"Stay with us. Push one last time."
I pushed Ka'Nyla out and I heard her cry. It was like all my energy had restored. I wanted to hold my babygirl.
"Would you like skin to skin contact ?"
"Yes please."
The nurse handed me my daughter. I've been waiting for this moment. I never had this moment with my mom. The look in Kae's eyes gave me comfort. He looked happy. They way he looked at our baby was different.
"Ke stop being damn a hog I help make her."
"My bad Mr.impatient."
I gave Kae the baby and he didn't stop smiling. If like my whole world is complete. I have a my daughter. I have my boyfriend. I should be straight..right ?

~ Thug Motivation 🖤.

Hellooooo, It's Kayyy..the writer lol. If y'all enjoyed this book make sure you check out my new book "Love & Loyalty." The character list and the introduction are already published so please go read, comment, and vote! I'll update it twice a week maybe three because of Thanksgiving break, thank you.

Thug MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now