Chapter 6

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Kaevyon POV:
It's a luh kick back tonight, my homies bugging me to go but I wanna kick it with Ke'Asia tonight, alone. Every time me and her hang out, her aggravating ass sister and best friend is around 🙄. I understand they hangout together all the time but they annoying and clingy sometimes.

Yes ?
wassuh ? we chilln tonight ?

I'm going to a pool party 😕.

bett. i'm gone meet you there.

Okay 💕.


Welp looks like I'm going to the party anyways 💀.

Ke'Asia POV:
      I showed Gabby and Kay the messages between me and Kae, looking for their input.

Kayla: girl he be calling you "mamas" ?
me: yeah but I don't think he mean it 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Abrigal: girl Jay don't call me "mamas"
Kayla: Tae don't call me mamas either.
me: well idk what to tell y'all 😂.
Kayla: Ik totally jealous 🙁!
Abrigal: yeah and me too 🙄.
me: I guess he really do like me 🥰.

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