Chapter 24

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Im 6 months pregnant. I haven't talked to my Nana or Gabby since they found out. Kayla is still my best friend. She planned the gender reveal for us since I wanted to wait to tell everybody the gender. Kae's mom let me stay with them and she's head over heels in love with our baby even tho she isn't here yet 😂. I appreciate them a lot 🥺. I'm as big as a bus and I couldn't have done all this by myself . Lmao.

I walked in Kae's room to see what he looked like. We are supposed to match and wear white. The original plan was to wear pink but that would've gave everything away.
"Hey mamas."
"Hey. Your wearing this ?"
"Yeah, you like it ?"
"Yes it compliments your skin tone."
"Thank you baby. You looking like a snack."
"Boy- su. Come on I wanna take pictures in front of the cake."
"We got all day. Let's do a quickie real quick."
"Kaevyon everybody about to pull they gone hear us. So let's go take pictures instead."
He smacked his lips.
"Matter of fact come here."
Kae laid me on the bed aggressively. That turned me on. He started pulling my shorts down.
"Don't make a sound and don't run from me."
"But Kae-."
"Nah shut up."
Go slo-.."
Kae stuck it in me. I moaned loud. I haven't had and kind of sex in the past 3 months. This was way over due 🥴.
"Shittt fuck. Talk to me baby."
"G-go deeper daddy."
"You like this shit baby ?"
His eyes started rolling back. He bit his lip hard and slowed down. We came at the same time.
"Bae help me up."
"Hold on that nut hit different."
"Boy- stop playing and get up they pulling up."

Kae helped me out the bed. I tried to walk to the bathroom but my legs was a shaking a luh bit Kae helped me.


I popped the balloon and the pink and gold glitter fell out.


Everybody screamed. Kayla ran over to me.
"I'm glad you took one for the team."
I laughed.
"Thank you so much.
"Your welco- omg."
"What ? Is there something on my shirt ?"
"No look."
Kaylas eyes was the size of a golf ball. I turned around and Gabby was standing by the food.
"Why is she here ?"
"Keke she's your sister why wouldn't she be here ?"
"She the same bitch they told me to get a abortion."
I walked into the kitchen. I just needed to step away.

I hope she didn't come here to make things right. It's too late. I moved on in life. I moved on for the better. I already planned my "new life". Me and Kae are going to move in together and raise our daughter together even if things don't work between us.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Gabby. I tried to walk away but Kae and Kayla stopped me. "Talk to her." Kayla said. I rolled my eyes and turned around.
"Can y'all leave please ?"
They left.
"What Gabby ? What do you want ?"
"I want to apologize. I shouldn't have never said what I said. I was wrong for telling you to get a abortion. I shouldn't tell you what to do with your baby. It's not my place."
"You hurt me. Y'all hurt me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I wasn't thinking right at all. Can we forgive and forget ?"
"I forgive you but I can't forget what you did."
I walked away. Tears covered my face. I'm not hurt anymore. I just closed a door in life. I got part of the closure I'm looking for. I have to close the other door. I have to for me. My life. My daughter. For me.

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