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when the doorbell rings, quinn couldn't be more excited. so, when she runs down the new wooden steps of her nice little apartment - nearly slipping and cracking her skull in the process, damn the new-wood-stairs-contra-wool law of life - she's pleased to hear her familiar darling man humming at the front door. not to mention the smile that comes to her face when she - indeed - sees him carrying two pints of ben and jerrys. chocolate therapy, and tonight dough. the latter is her flavour, of course she's a fan of the more extravagant and costly flavour. he teased her about it when they'd first discussed ice cream together, and the teasing had stopped once they had their first - well - romantic encounter. from then on, he understood her love for the more complex things.

she opens the gorgeous white oak door and is of course greeted with a loving embrace, followed by the new signature forehead peck. she doesn't smell any liquor on him, and god how much she appreciates that is insane. nevertheless, they're a great couple: both easily pleased, low expectations, but high rewards for the both of them. not to mention the sex, that has recently been condemned in the misfits manor due to the frequency, volume, and duration of the acts that quite honestly distract everyone (and given a certain horny aussie teen enough hard-ons to make up for the incels, cam had once joked).

"i missed you, princess," eric hums, giving his gal a tight squeeze as they both just stand together in a comfortable mini-silence at her front door. romantic, i know, but neither of them care. it's sweet, it's loving, and they're both just adoring it. "even if i just saw you yesterday and toby literally yelled at us about 'how damn cuddly and gross shit' we are." his additional comment makes them both laugh, his cackle filling her heart with simple endless joy and her howl of laughter reminding him why he fell in love.

"aww, i missed you too, love," quinn grins, pecking the side of his face oh so gently as she then just nuzzles into his arms. "and of course you take my joke literally and bring me my sweets, such a gem." another peck, this one placed on the tip of his nose, and his smile gets so wide his eyes squint - the same squint he does when high, but his flushed cheeks give away his pride and love for her.  "now c'mon, let's get these in the freezer." so she leads her lovesick boyfriend in, who just grins and closes the front door behind himself as he then scurries behind her to follow at her heels.

"oh, hey, buddy!" the bearded man grins, getting distracted by her other furry companion, the one without thumbs and who is sadly neutered. "how're you, buddy?" he leans down, petting the pretty boy and chuckling at his lovely mews for attention. "i'm here, i'm here." he hands off the mini tubs of ice cream to his lovely lady, who then puts the treats away whilst he continues his playful pets with the kitty.

"such cute cunts," quinn sighs happily, earning a laugh and a meow from the little cat. "now c'mon, baby, let's get ready for the stream, ay?" she smiles, followed by a nod as the pair then head up to her recording room. a grin tugs at his lips when he sees his youtooz on her desk by her monitor, he remembers the day he'd gifted it to her and she promised she'd cherish it. and, well, here it is now! while the girl sets up the camera, he gets his mask and chainmail on to get himself ready. he's already heating up, but the fact that he's gonna be sitting here with his girl and entertaining both her and her fans? that makes him smile more than anything.

"allright, i gotta cake my face now, think you can make sure the lil brat doesn't tear everything down?" she hums to him, and she can't see the frown that shows up when she talks about covering her face up with makeup. her true beauty - he's seen it several times, some from her posts of 'natural self-love' and others of her showing up late at night to chill with the boys. so being told that she's gonna cover her dimples, her freckles, and extend her lashes to look prettier, he wants to just smother her in his love to remind her she's beautiful. instead, what does he do?

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