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"hey, valcrye, is the webcam set up good?" eric asks his main mod, who then sends a little thumbs up in the chat. the fans are spamming the chat with so many 'pog' emotes it makes his eyes hurt, but what else is to be expected when they see the helmeted man's face for the first time ever? "alright, perfect. hey, boys! this is a just chatting stream, and it isn't going to be too long today."

in the background, there's helix sniffing at some still packed boxes and quinns' off-focus self can be seen just a tiny bit in the hall, cleaning up a bit. this is the furthest immersion the fans have ever gotten in swagger's life, and they're living for it.

"yeah, yeah, i know, strange time for a face reveal," he laughs heartily, the fans now able to finally put the voice to a face. "but listen. it turns out, i'm gonna go from swaggersouls to daddysouls," and he visibly cringes at his own name. "yikes, that'll... that'll definitely make some gross fanfiction come up," and another cackle escapes him. "i'm gonna be a dad, and that'll be a huge step up in life. i'll obviously still be uploading to youtube and everything, but..." he pauses, looking directly into the camera.

"it means i won't be streaming as much anymore, and it also means i won't be with the boys as much. it'll be harder for me to produce a constant stream of content, but..." he looks over towards the door and doesn't see his wife, so he turns back to the camera and grins. "i've never been more fucking excited in my life. i've got a hot wife, i've got a legacy of weed smoking and greatness behind me, and i'm gonna be a dad." so he then shouts; "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!"

he's never seen his chat reacting so positively and interacting in such a sweet way before, it seriously makes him feel a little sentimental. damn quinn and her overreaching hormones, making him feel all mushy.

after the shout, his gal shows up at the door, peeking in with a raised brow. "yeah, we fuckin know, now can you please keep it down? neighbor cunts are bound to pitch a fuckin' fit." before she can leave, he gets up from his seat, pulls her over and smiles. "look at her, chat, i've never been so proud of anything before. my girl!"

and just like that, quinn places a kiss to his temple, and she definitely doesn't regret letting this instagram stranger know her onlyfans prices. because otherwise she wouldn't be here, so deep in love that she's drowning in his affection.

she wouldn't have it any other way.

- -

hey guys, thank you all so much for joining me on this ride. i hope you enjoyed reading this, it was so fucking fun to write!

i never thought my works would reach such broad audiences, but goddamn, i'm proud and i love all of you for your support.

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 516

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