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"shut the fuck up, cunts, i'm trying to focus!" quinn laughs, the sound being a long awaited one. it had been several weeks since the last stream, and she'd just started trying to play that dreaded old first 'five nights at freddy's' game, and goddamn, she was surprised. albeit for a horror fan, she's been in the game for a solid ten minutes and she's had two raids pass - one from a certain goodguyfitz, the other coming from her best friend tobi. as she's jumpscared for the ninth time, she groans and laughs, setting down her headset for a moment with a smile. 

"fuck off, cunts. let's do some quizzies, i need a break from that stressful shit." she hums, shaking her head with that same intoxicating smile. of course, the many viewers spam the chat with questions. some are more personal than she'd like, touching on subjects such as the kidnapping, while others are sweet and surface-level questions about how much she's been enjoying university. but one certain question from callmecarson catches her dazzling green eyes.

'how did swagger propose? asking for the boyzZz 😎'

"ah fuck," a laugh erupts, and she looks at the camera with flushed red cheeks. "we were in a certain store where no minors are allowed and we'd been making jokes about all the fucked shit up in there when he suddenly got down on one knee and offered me a bag of dick shaped gums and a fuckin' alexandrite ring, cunts! he actually looked up my birthstone, what a sentimental faggot." yeah, sure, she's talking big shit right now, but when he'd done it? she couldn't talk for a solid hour afterwords, and she had a grin etched onto her face the following sixty-eight hours. 

a big sucker for astrology and zodiacs, quinn had one night oh so long ago gotten high with the helmeted man and rambled on and on about how 'ones zodiac sign could predict their future, and their birth stone is their power gem.' so when she got the skeptical man a little amethyst crystal and he had an entire day of amazing luck, he quickly started believing.

so, as the stream continues, quinn soon takes a little break, her admin nefairy setting up the intermission screen and some ads to run. standing up to go and pee, maybe even get some snacks, she notices a notification on her phone. helix runs in once the door is opened, but his owner pays him no mind. instead, her mind is focused on the incredibly short text from her fiance, the love of her life, and her first true compatible partner. the text simply reads; 'hey angel, is olli still planning on moving in? the misfits manor lease is almost up, and i think us living together wouldn't be too strange, now that you're nearly mrs. swaggersouls :) plus i can keep you safe from harm.'

the words cause her heart to swell, and she doesn't hesitate to push the call button. a ring or two passes, then he picks up. the two are speechless for a minute, the mere sound of each others' breathing setting them at ease. to think, quinn ponders philosophically, i was nervous of meeting him. he was just going to be a friend of a friend, and here i am, ready to hop right into his arms and become his wife.

"so, what do you think?" his voice is soothing, raspy yet smooth, meaning he's just woken up shortly beforehand. "my shit's already mainly packed, i also think helix wouldn't mind a new cuddle buddy."

"fuckin' cunt, don't even have to ask." and that's all he has to hear to overflow with happiness, and the excited rambling of her loverboy is the easily the best thing she's ever heard.

- -

sorry it took so long <3

i meant for it to be longer, but i forgot my original intended ending for this chapter. either way, the book is nearly done, so i hope you've been enjoying the ride!

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 674

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