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never did quinn ever expect to be here. she always thought she wasn't the marriage 'type', that she was going to end up with several cats and a history of poor relationships that never really went anywhere. then, the love of her life proposed to her in the middle of a sex store, and she knew that she had been wrong all along.

- -

planning the wedding had been incredibly difficult for the two of them; neither of them could wait when they started talking about it, and they started planning nearly instantly. it inconvenienced the majority of their friends, how fast the pair decided to have the wedding, but they couldn't say no to the two lovebirds. not to mention the major changes they'd seen in the two that practically forced them to accept the invitations.

because they had to spend so much on the wedding, the two majorly cut back on drinking, swagger cut back entirely on nicotine - thank god for mason's nicotine withdrawal tips - and it nearly gave cam a heart attack when the short american had turned down some weed from their plug. because, to quote exactly what he said; "how else would i be able to give my girl the perfect day?"

it broke quinns heart when she realized her original maid of honor had been the very one who died to bring her out of captivity, but when she thought hard enough about it, she figured out who would instead take her place. tobi didn't end up saying no, and it actually made the girl light right up. recognition of her identification?? that's all the simple new zealander wants. 

dress shopping hadn't been too much of a hassle, and had actually been incredibly fun! drinking different champagnes and taste testing different cakes while deciding over lace or silk with her other aussie galpals? how could she have said no! the tuxedo search couldn't have been harder, however, with mason acting like a total moron, cam needing a more custom one due to his outlandish height, and not to mention jay complaining about how his tie was a slightly darker shade of blue than the others'. eric wasn't having as great of a time with this as quinn, but the whole excitement definitely riled the two up to the point where they began their bedroom explorations again.

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then came the day of the wedding itself. the separation anxiety wracked quinn harder than she ever could have expected, but eric had promised her the greatest day of her life thus far would definitely make up for it, and had sent her off to get ready with the bridesmaids over at bee's house. 

"oh fuck, you're so pretty, i think i'm gonna puke," bordie had joked with a smile, the youngest of the girls just giving a shy smile as she examines herself in the mirror. the dress feels tighter than it did the first time she'd tried it on, but the silhouette compliments her bodice a little too well for her to have second thoughts. sure, she feels way more exposed and vulnerable than usual, but both her and eric had sunken too much money into this whole spiel, so withdrawing would be a total bitch move. 

as if sensing her uncomfortable aura, her maid of honor gently shoos the other women from the room to speak girl-to-girl. "hey," tobi begins, setting her hands on quinns bare shoulders. "this is going to be the best decision you've ever made, doll. eric's probably fucked out of his mind trying not to stress this, too, so don't start getting all worked up, okay?" her words make the incredibly self-conscious girl smile, as she then turns and hugs tobi tightly.

"fuck off with the sentimental shit cunt, the eyelash glue's gonna be fucked if i start crying," she lets out a gentle laugh, trying to hide her soft, nervous feelings. fucking this up would kill her, and so she's trying her hardest to be the calm, reserved australian makeup vlogger she's supposed to be. but inside? she wants a drink, a toke, and cuddles from her man. but that would have to wait until at least the reception.

"so you're ready, then?" "ready as i'll ever fuckin' be. got a ciggie?"

- -

"they're late, dude, and she's not fucking answering her phone!" eric shouts, pacing back and forth in the small backroom of the venue as his best man, cam, tries to keep him from leaving the room all agitated. "something has to have happened, i swear to god, if that fucker broke out and got her again, i'm snapping his fucking neck."

"mate, she's in a wedding dress so she probably doesn't have pockets, and not being thirty minutes early doesn't mean she's late. calm down, all the stress might kill you." his friend reminds him, setting his hand on his shoulder only to receive a huff and a little shove. "come on, you and i both know she's fine. she's with tobi, bee, bordie, and poki. if anybody even looks at her, we'd be getting called by the cops to come bail them out, first." this resonates within eric, so he pauses. when cam extends an edible towards him still wrapped and perfectly untouched, he considers, but then declines.

"i've gotta stay sharp, man. if i'm high i'll end up fucking bawling my eyes out and matt will never stop making fun of me." he reasons, the giraffe man nodding along in a knowing way. "fair enough, fair enough." and when jay comes in telling them it's finally time, the two look at each other knowingly. cam walks out and goes down the aisle first with poki on his arm, then oliver with quinn's sister, mason with bee, jay with anna, matt with bordie... and there she is.

to everyone else, she's just a regular old bride, a young one, but still a bride. but to him, she's an angel. he hasn't thought she could be any more beautiful, but here she is, with the expensive dress he knew she'd been endlessly drawling on about with tobi, her hair up in a beautiful braided bun that must've taken the girls extra long, and a smile on her face that he's never seen before. it's wide enough that he's certain her cheeks will hurt, but he knows he has to focus on himself in this moment, so he wipes his eyes and gives her the biggest smile he can that doesn't make him break down in tears. 

once her father hands her off, she leans in to whisper in his ear; "you look fuckin' handsome as, baby." and he knows, for certain, this is the woman he'll happily spend the rest of his life with.

- -

the reception was outrageous, with matt getting so hammered he fell facefirst on the dancefloor, bee nearly making out with the bride - with all the guys watching not in jealousy or envy, but in arousal. two hot chicks, all touchy? hot. - and mason then taking a certain olive skinned twink into the bathroom. but when the newlyweds reach their hotel room, they both wordlessly agree that this is going to be the best part of the night. 

before eric can even lock the door behind them, she's got her hands in his hair and her body flushed against his. with one arm around her waist and the other locking the door, he steps them towards the bed and pins her down onto it. heavy breaths and needy whines fill the air with a sexual tension thick enough to choke the two, but when he searches his pockets for a condom and doesn't find one, he seems fully despaired. he let himself down, and her down, on their wedding night. the first night of the honeymoon, and supposedly the best one of their marriage thus far. 

but his pity party doesn't last long, because her arms fly around his neck was a cheeky smile flies onto her face. "i think we can risk one night, can't we?" and with that, the two lovestruck bipeds engage in post-marital coitus, the pair both enjoying several hearty orgasms.

too bad quinn didn't pay attention to which day it was.

- -

book? nearly over. swagger? precious boy. 

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 1387

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