epilogue (ヹ科ネ)

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a few months later, erics birthday is coming up, and the only present he's been asking for is the bundle of joy swelling his sweethearts' belly to finally come out. they've been waiting for the little thing since quinn first uploaded that picture of the positive pregnancy tests. while their friends are planning a little trip to byron bay for the birthday boy, he's been preoccupied with keeping his gal and their angel safe, much to his friends dismay.

when he was finally told by manager ryan that they'd be going off to the bay and he was being not only implored but also being blackmailed - he'd lose his job if he didn't go - onto going on the trip. so after a few days of worried packing and nervous jitters, erics luggage is packed and the boys are trying to usher him out the front door of their cozy apartment.

"are you absolutely positive you're going to be okay?" eric asks his wife, who gives a little laugh as she pets the sleepy cat beside her. "babe, if you don't go have fun with the boys for your fuckin' birthday, i'm gonna kick you out. go, i'll be great. if i need anything at all, i'll call nuck, alright?" her response gives him a tiny bit of relief, but they both know deep down that something's bound to happen. it always does for them. after a kiss goodbye, he heads with the boys to the airport.

quinn stays on the couch, of course, watching that strange ted bundy docu-series on netflix and constantly shouting at the tv for how dumb the women are. but a couple episodes in, she falls asleep. she wakes up nearly two hours later, the netflix screen of judgement asking if she's still watching, helix stretched and sleeping beside her, but no texts from her boy. he's still on his flight, she knows that, but she requires his words of comfort sometimes.

"ah, little girl, what'm i gonna do with you?" she whispers to the little baby within her belly, slowly rubbing the stretched skin. she gets a kick against her hand, and a soft giggle escapes her lips. "yes, sweets, dad's gone, but he'll be back in a few days. just us girls for now, yeah?" as she's contemplating calling up bordie or bee to maybe have a bit of a chat, she feels a much more painful kick and it feels like she's winded.

"careful, shit, that one hurt," but before she can let out the pained laugh she feels is necessary, a sudden wetness trickles down her legs. she's seen enough cliche romantic family movies to know what that means, and so she picks her phone up and fumbles with it.

"oh, hey, quinn, how are you two-" "ryan, i love you cunt, but i need you to drive me to the fuckin' hospital."

after a solid two hours of  quinn being in labour, ryan's told he can enter. of course, he's hesitant. swagger had always whined about how he wanted to be the first guy to see his child, but when he steps inside and sees quinn holding the little angelic baby in her arms and the nurse holding up a tablet, he knows that that's already been settled.

"she's perfect! holy fuck, i- i don't even have the words," the father jumbles out, his smile so wide it's honestly starting to hurt his face. he's pissed he couldn't be there, of course, but the fact that his wife knew he'd be available on discord ... now that's a blessing.
"yeah, now shut up before you wake her up, cunt," she laughs, gently stroking the babys face. "welcome to the world, rylie crystal matthews."

the little sleeping infant shuffles a tad, but as all three adults smile in observance, they see her parents features on her. her fathers dark hair and resting bitch face, her mothers gentle nose and soft eyes.

a perfect blend of chaotic and heavenly.

"i love you so much, quinn. and rylie, too, but she'll get her dad's love when he gets back." "yeah yeah, we love you too, faggot. happy birthday."

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