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boujeebabe has posted!

liked by goodguyfitz, mason_beta, gaybie, and 43K others

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liked by goodguyfitz, mason_beta, gaybie, and 43K others

boujeebabe let's go to idaho, he says. it'll be fun, he says. i've never been colder in my whole fucking life, how the hell do americans exist  💀

swaggersouls 🤷‍♂️

 - boujeebabe replied fuck off with your sarcastic emojis >:|

user918594 why tf haven't you been posting?? we thought you died aijsfjis

 - boujeebabe replied just got home from the honeymoon and finished moving in, i've been sick the past week too so fuck should i know when the next vids up lol

mason_beta and you left me alone with these fags, lame

 - gaybie replied oh shut up, you loved how fucking quiet it was without them :\

user92381 is that fucksgerald's jacket?? aw sweaty we're here for you 💗

user914124 fuck all these fake stans, when's the next vlog coming up??

 - boujeebabe replied once i finally pass this fuckin sickness, babe

- -

roses are red,
the best cotton candy colour is blue,
who's going to be awwe-ing by the ending of this book?

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 195

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