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boujeebabe has posted!

liked by swaggersouls, mason_beta, ryanp, and 316K others

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liked by swaggersouls, mason_beta, ryanp, and 316K others

boujeebabe looks like we leaked our relationship before we even knew what it was, huh? woops. sorry, cutie, looks like they know you're mine already 😜 tagged swaggersouls

mason_beta explains where you cunts fucked off to last night

 - boujeebabe replied i'm hungover and hungry, bring me subway

swaggersouls it's my fault, i was the one that posted the picture last night :'(

 - boujeebabe replied do i look like i wanna be kept secret? don't you be all pouty, come gimme smooches <3

user0174 #boujeesouls

user19571 i wanna feel the warm and soft skin on your back, the plush velvet of your lips. i wanna carve you open, make you into a perfect picture that showcases how much i adore you. he can't make you happy, and if i can't have you, no one can.

user2951 who edited this picture?? looks really good actually qaijaods

 - boujeebabe replied i did?? thanks for noticing??

lyzbian cheating bitch, thought you would wait for me

 - boujeebabe replied i said that back in highschool, i'm in fucking university now with a happy man and a much better outlook on life. piss off.

fucksgerald when do i get to meet him? show him what kind of momma bear he's gotta please.

 - swaggersouls replied were you the one passed out at the booze table with a dick drawn on your cheek? you literally threw condoms at me

 - fucksgerald replied to swaggersouls oh that was you?? boujeebabe i approve

do you really want to block lyzbian?

Y / N

you have blocked lyzbian!

- -

wah wah

guess who's gonna be keeping this book nice and long? :)

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 315

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