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swagger hadn't slept in days. he was edgy, his beard was getting messy and long, and god he needed some nicotine. but he didn't have time for that. he was too busy constantly calling the private investigator, the cops, and her parents to see if they had any updates. no matter how much he wanted to tell himself she wasn't hurt, those pictures posted on the onlyfans were a message. they're taunting him, and he knows it. they're hurting her, and making sure he knows that. the boys had been looking nonstop, even toby had called some people back home to see if they could provide any help. and of course, once fitz put out a tweet - after having blocked quinns account - telling everyone that quinn had gone missing, the fans were constantly searching on google maps all over the world and checking quinn's snapchat updates for any hint as to where the young girl could be.

"eric, mate, come on, let's get you outta this house," toby gives a hum, attempting to gently pull him up. swagger didn't mean to, but he pushed them, and they fell. "ouch, fuck, come on mate you can't just sit here stewing for days and expect that to make things better!" it hurts him to hear that and think about it, but he knows they're not wrong. he hadn't been actively doing much, just sitting and hating himself for not figuring this out sooner. plus, he needed some fresh air, so getting out of the house would be a really great idea.

"...yeah, let's do that." he speaks lowly, tired and stressed and worried out of his mind as to where the hell his girl is and praying she's okay. "just let me take a piss, then i'll be ready to go." so they leave, thus going to get shoes on and chatting a bit with the other boys while they wait for him. it was hard on all the misfits when quinn had disappeared, but the two it hit the hardest were eric and mason. eric had chosen to shut himself away and call around to look for her, while mason had started risking his skin by going to her apartment each day to look again for any clues. i owe him an apology for being a useless fag, he thinks to himself, but that can wait until after she's found

once he's done relieving himself, he comes down the stairs, saddened to yet again see the tv is on, ryan and fitz watching the news again for any updates. but he has no more time to mope, he's going out with toby to go for a walk and collect himself.

"there you are, mate," toby hums sweetly, then smiling as they come up to eric. "ready to go?" a slow and tired nod is his only response, and just as the front door is opened, they both hear something that tears their attention away from the idea of a walk.

"no one has heard from the woman in days, aside from her boyfriend, a popular youtuber by the name of swaggersouls. however, a close friend of the victim has recently received a call from the supposed kidnappers." the anchorman reads out, all the misfits rushing into the living room to hear this news. "rylie fitzgerald, a twenty-four year old journalist was called early this morning by an unknown number claiming to know where quinn simmons is. of course she kept the caller on the line while she used her computer to record the audio after putting the man on speaker. what you're about to hear may be too graphic for a young audience."

- -

"hello? who is this?"

"someone you don't want on your bad side."

"excuse me?"

"your friend has been brutally beaten for the past couple days due to nearly giving out enough information to end our operation. her phone has been shut-off and its GPS has been thrown into the true water treatment plant."

"what have you done with her?"

"she's nearly out of blood and she hasn't been eating as much as usual. fat cow deserves it."

"why are you doing this?"

"luckily she was already deflowered, so we didn't have to worry about that much more blood."

"sick cunts, where is she?!"

"a place you'll never find her."

- -

"we're gonna find her, and we're gonna find her now!" eric shouts, getting his shoes on as fast as possible. "come on, toby, we're going to her fucking apartment and we're gonna fucking find these pricks!" they can't exactly argue with the angry kiwi man, and so they follow along quickly to make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid.

- -

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 798

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