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swaggersouls has posted!

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liked by boujeebabe, tobyonthetele, goodguyfitz, and 1.2M others

swaggersouls i fucking love you. no matter how weird you think i am, i always will, princess. tagged boujeebabe

boujeebabe can't wait to be mrs. souls :*

goodguyfitz still gonna have her over for the podcast?

 - swaggersouls replied i haven't asked her yet, cunt. you gave away the surprise >:(

user91 who's finger is that??

user148 i feel like i'm being vibe checked

 - user141 replied did you pass?

mason_beta imagine buying your girl starbucks, basic cunt

 - swaggersouls replied 🙄

- -

next chapter might be either the podcast, or a twitch stream. haven't decided yet, UwU

stay safe, hydrated, and loved <3

word count: 132

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